5 Tips to Get Better at League of Legends
Are you stuck in low Elo hell in League of Legends? Do you dream of climbing the ranked ladder but can’t seem to improve? You’re not alone. Thousands of summoners are searching for ways to escape Elo hell and reach their true skill level.
In this action-packed guide, you’ll discover the secrets that separate the hardstucks from the challengers. We’ll provide you with 5 tips and tricks to help you smash your opponents and carry your way to victory.
Master Your Champions
Pick 2 or 3 champions in your main position that you really enjoy playing. Sticking with just a few champs makes it easier to improve your skills compared to playing a different champion every game. Really get to know your champion’s abilities, combo sequences, power spikes, item builds, matchups, and mechanics inside and out.
Limit your champion pool so you can play them automatically without thinking too much about the basics. This frees up your attention to focus more on the overall game. Mastering champions takes a lot of dedication and practice tool sessions to drill combos. Watch high Elo player vods playing your champions to learn new tricks and optimize your gameplay.
As you become an expert on your small champion pool, you’ll climb faster thanks to knowing your champions in and out. Don’t worry about counterpicks and bans too much – it’s better to be an expert on 2-3 champs than be mediocre on many. Limiting your pool will make you far more confident and effective during ranked games.
Optimize Your Builds
One of the easiest ways to instantly get better at League is to optimize your champion builds. First, make sure you have the right runes selected based on your champ, matchup, and playstyle – websites like u.gg are great for finding ideal rune sets. Next, learn the proper itemization path for your champion, like whether to rush a certain mythic item or when to buy situational items like Grievous Wounds against healing champs.
Itemizing properly for each unique game is crucial, so adapt your build based on who’s fed on the enemy team and what your win condition is in that match. Pay attention to power spikes from completed items and play aggressive when you hit them. Learn to balance offensive and defensive items so you’re not too squishy.
Stay up to date with preseason changes and buffs/nerfs that shift the best builds. Using the same cookie-cutter build every game won’t cut it – you need to adapt. Optimizing your builds will make your champ much stronger and give you an edge over opponents using outdated or inefficient builds.
Get Coached by Pros
One of the fastest ways to improve at League of Legends is to get coaching from a pro or high Elo player. Having an experienced set of eyes to analyze your gameplay and provide tailored advice can accelerate your learning. Professional coaches can identify weaknesses in your fundamentals, decision-making, macro play, and more that you may have never noticed.
They will create a personalized improvement plan, point out mistakes you’re repeatedly making, and teach you new concepts, mechanics, and strategies. Coaching sessions involve submitting your replays for review, having live 1-on-1 coaching in custom games, receiving real-time feedback while duo queuing, and gaining access to advanced educational resources.
The investment is well worth the rapid skill boost you’ll experience from being coached by the best. Look for verified, highly-rated coaches through platforms like GameBoost. Investing in coaching or League of Legends Boosting will unlock your potential and pay dividends by saving you hundreds of grindy, inefficient hours trying to improve alone. So if you’re serious about leveling up your skills, grab a lesson package from a professional League coach.
Strong communication skills can give you a major edge in League of Legends. Use pings extensively to signal your intentions to your team, like danger pings to warn them or target pings to focus fire. Time objectives by pinging respawn timers so your team prepares to take drag, baron, etc. Ping enemy summoner spells and ults to track their cooldowns. Use the in-game chat to quickly convey high-level plans and strategies like when to force fights, split push, bait baron, dive, etc.
Having a shotcaller to make decisive calls is extremely valuable. Communicate mistakes and lessons learned from lost teamfights to improve together. Give clear instructions to teammates if you get ahead and can carry. A positive, strategic tone in chat can rally your team’s mental. Discord voice comms with duo partners enables next-level coordination. Even simple things like saying ‘gj’ go a long way.
Don’t spam useless messages, only communicate with purpose. Mute toxic teammates immediately. Forging strong communication habits, especially in solo queue, will enable you to work together and out-macro opponents.
Adopt a Growth Mindset
Having the right mindset is key for improvement at League. Adopt a growth mentality focused on learning and progress rather than an obsession with LP gains and rankings. View losses and setbacks as opportunities to get better, not as reasons to tilt or rage. Reflect on your own gameplay with an openness to identify weaknesses and mistakes. Watch replays and pro player VODs with curiosity to learn new techniques.
Celebrate small incremental wins like better CS, vision score or KDA each game. Focus on mastering the process rather than demanding instant results. Stay patient with yourself and teammates, and avoid autopilot spam games. Before matches, mentally prepare by motivating yourself to improve something specific in that game like trading stance or jungle pathing. Meditate or take breaks to untilt and reset mental.
Fostering resilience and treating ranked as a learning lab will help you maintain composure and consistency even during demoralizing loss streaks on the climb to higher elos. Progress takes time, so have faith in your ability to incrementally get better each day.
All in All
The path to greatness takes patience, perseverance and a passion for self-improvement. Stay determined in pursuing your ranked goals, while also finding enjoyment in the process. Lessen tilt by focusing on your own development rather than factors out of your control.
Trust in your ability to climb the tiers and reach your true Elo over time. With the right mindset and skills, you are fully capable of escaping Elo hell and becoming the player you aspire to be. Master the tips here to unlock your potential. The rift awaits – now get out there and show them what you’ve got!