
7 Amazing Health Benefits of Kratom

As more and more people become weary of conventional medicine, they’re turning to natural alternatives like kratom for relief. According to an estimate, there are approx 3-5 million kratom users in the United States.

Unlike most other herbal remedies, kratom has been extensively studied by scientists. And while more research is needed to understand all of its potential benefits, there’s already a body of evidence that suggests kratom could be helpful for various health conditions.

Kratom: What Is It and Where Does It Come From?

Kratom (Mitragyna Speciosa) is a tropical plant within the coffee family. It’s native to Thailand, Myanmar, Malaysia, and Southeast Asia.

People in these countries have used kratom for its stimulant effects for centuries. It’s traditionally been chewed or brewed as tea. But in recent years, kratom products, particularly high-quality kratom capsules, have gained popularity as an alternative to opioids and other prescription pain medications.

Here are seven science-backed health benefits of kratom.

1.      Kratom May Relieve Pain and Inflammation

Kratom leaves contain several compounds that may have pain-relieving (analgesic) effects. The main active ingredient in kratom is mitragynine. Studies on mice have shown that mitragynine can help alleviate pain by binding to opioid receptors in the brain and spinal cord.

Another study found that kratom extract reduced pain by interacting with immune cells and cytokines. Kratom may also have anti-inflammatory effects. A test-tube study showed that kratom extract reduced inflammation by suppressing the production of inflammatory cytokines.

These findings suggest that kratom may help relieve pain by reducing inflammation. However, further human studies are needed to confirm these effects.

2.      Kratom May Help Relieve Anxiety and Depression

If you’re suffering from anxiety or depression, kratom may help. One study showed that kratom legal in canada and it’s extract significantly reduced symptoms of anxiety in rats. Another study found that kratom worked as well as imipramine, an antidepressant medication, at reducing symptoms of depression.

Kratom may also help improve mood by increasing serotonin levels, a brain chemical that plays a role in mood and emotion. A study found that kratom extract increased serotonin levels by stimulating the activity of enzymes that produce it.

These findings suggest that kratom may help relieve anxiety and depression by increasing serotonin levels.

3.      Kratom May Boost Energy and Enhance Exercise Performance

If you’re searching for a natural energy boost, kratom may help. Kratom leaves contain compounds that can have stimulant effects.

The main active ingredient in kratom is mitragynine, which is structurally similar to amphetamines. When taken in small doses, kratom can cause stimulation and increased alertness. A study found that kratom extract increased physical activity and prevented fatigue.

These findings suggest that kratom may help enhance physical energy and endurance.

4.      Kratom May Boost Brain Function

Modern life is full of stressors that can affect your brain health. Kratom may help boost brain function and protect your brain from damage, as the alkaloids present can react with the brain opioid receptors.

Studies have shown that kratom extract can improve memory and cognitive function. Another study found that kratom may help protect the brain from damage resulting from oxidative stress.

Oxidative stress is a condition that arises when there’s an imbalance of free radicals and antioxidants in the body. This imbalance can damage cells and lead to chronic diseases like heart disease, cancer, and Alzheimer’s.

These findings suggest that kratom may help improve brain function and protect against brain damage. However, extensive human studies are needed to confirm these effects.

5.      Kratom May Help Fight Cancer

Cancer is among the top causes of death globally. There’s currently no cure for cancer, but treatments like chemotherapy can help improve a person’s quality of life.

Kratom may also help fight cancer symptoms. A study showed that kratom extract induced cell death in breast cancer cells. Another study found that kratom may help kill cancer cells by inhibiting their growth and proliferation. These findings suggest that kratom may help fight cancer symptoms.

6.      Kratom May Help Lower Blood Sugar Levels

Kratom may also help lower blood sugar levels. A peer-reviewed study found that kratom extract significantly reduced blood sugar levels. Another study showed that kratom might help improve insulin sensitivity and reduce symptoms of diabetes.

7.      Kratom May Have Anti-Inflammatory Effects

Kratom may also have anti-inflammatory effects. A test-tube study showed that kratom extract reduced inflammation by suppressing the production of inflammatory cytokines. These findings suggest that kratom may help relieve pain by reducing inflammation.


Kratom is a tropical evergreen tree that has many potential health benefits. Kratom leaves contain compounds that can have stimulant, sedative, or psychoactive effects. Studies show that kratom may help boost energy, enhance exercise performance, improve memory and cognitive function, lower blood sugar levels, fight cancer, and reduce inflammation. However, further studies are required to confirm these effects.

If you’re considering using kratom for health purposes, talk to your doctor first. Kratom can have side effects if overdosed and may not be safe for every individual.

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