A Positive Experience with Love Spells

Many moons ago when I was in college, I remember my roommate telling me that she cast a love spell on her boyfriend to get him to go out with her. When she told me that I thought it was ridiculous, and funny at the same time. I did not believe in the occult, witches or psychics. To me it was all mumbo jumbo and a myth. I guess I just figured “To each their own…” After college my roommate got married to her boyfriend that she had a love spell cast upon. We joked many times that it obviously worked but one day he may wake up!

Fast forward 20 years later, I find myself going through an extremely hurtful divorce that left me blindsided. I found a credit card receipt in my husband’s pants for flowers at a local shop that included a disturbing message. He was obviously having an affair. I felt that he was checked out of our marriage emotionally but did not think for a minute that it would be because he was seeing someone else! This was someone who had high morals and I knew like the back of my hand.

When I confronted him, he admitted that he was in love with someone else. I was crushed. He did not want to work on our marriage. He wanted to get a divorce and date this other woman. I tried everything to get him to come home and work on us, but he wasn’t receptive. As I was going through the motion of grieving my marriage and trying to think of things to save it, I found myself seeking the advice of psychics. One of them was spot on about everything in my life and I began to trust her. She recommended that I have a love spell cast to get my husband to change his mind about working on our marriage. She sent me contact information of Daniel from Warlock Magic Spells. She said that she knew him personally and his work was excellent.

This brought me back to my college roommate who had a love spell cast on her now husband. I never thought that I would be considering doing the same thing that she did years ago. I knew nothing about casting spells but was at a point in my life where I was willing to try it. I promised Daniel that if he were successful in getting my husband back that I would write a review.

The results of my love spell, actually it was an obsession spell, was a positive one. One day my husband came into my work and surprised me by taking me to lunch. He said that he made the worst mistake of his life by straying from our marriage and he had a lot of regrets. It was everything that I’ve wanted to hear for months. He wanted us to go to couple’s counseling to get past all of his cheating and restore trust. I agreed to go, and we ended up canceling the divorce and he moved back in. Our marriage isn’t perfect, but it’s definitely better now than it was when this all began. I have to say that I have a totally new view on love spells because I know in the back of my head that it saved my marriage!

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