Damages You Can Recover From a Drunken Driving Case

If you have received injuries in a car accident because another driver was under the influence of alcohol, you are eligible to obtain compensation. All your losses can be recovered if you can prove the negligence of another party. To get it going smoothly, it is strongly recommended to hire a Nevada brain injury attorney, who can evaluate all your losses and help file a claim as soon as possible. It is not a good idea to handle this case yourself, as the lawyer will carefully assess all your damages. 

Damages that can be recovered from a drunken driving claim

It is significant to learn what damages you can recover as a part of the compensation after filing a claim. Some of them have been discussed below:  

Medical expenses 

If the person has received physical injuries because of the accident, he will be compensated for all medical bills including tests, scans and medicines expenses. If there is any hospital admission as a part of the treatment, it will also be included in the claim. 

Repairs and replacement

Car accidents can damage vehicles involved in the accident to a great extent. If you need to get it repaired or replaced on an urgent basis, you can add these expenses to your claim.  You need to get in touch with an insurance company, who can assess the damages. A good lawyer will also make a great difference to your case.

Loss of income

As the victim may be injured in a car crash, he may not be able to attend the office for a few days or even months depending on the extent of injuries. If his work suffers because of his medical condition, all the losses such as income, benefits, perks and promotions can be added to the compensation. 

Pain and suffering

The person may be experiencing pain due to injuries and getting depressed because he has to be bedridden because of the negligence of someone else. Many people start to feel depressed if they cannot carry on their daily activities. This kind of pain and suffering can be compensated for as the person is in constant pain and depression.

Loss of the quality of life

Since he has lost touch with the outside world, he can get compensation for the loss of quality of life.

It is always suggested to get in touch with a good brain injury lawyer to file compensation because he knows all the procedures well. 

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