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EN+ Project of Political Scientist Vladislav Soloviev – an Effective Start for Beginner Bloggers and Journalists

The name of Vladislav Soloviev: blogger, journalist, and political scientist, is familiar to all people who follow the current political agenda. The author’s articles regularly appear on leading information platforms and often cause lively debates among readers and analysts. Vladislav Soloviev’s economic and political forecasts, in which the author offers to discuss various models of the near future, are of the utmost interest. According to him, we are expected to face a series of powerful crises that cannot be prevented, but whose consequences can be minimized. The political scientist urges readers to prepare in advance for a long period of turbulence.

The list of Soloviev’s priority information projects includes the public blog ENglish Plus (EN+), where aspiring journalists and bloggers who write in English can publish their work. The topics of publications are sociology, politics, economics, science, and other relevant subjects. Vladislav Soloviev has no doubt that in the not too distant future, these authors will be published in The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, and other authoritative publications with an audience of millions of people.

In our article, you will learn who Vladislav Soloviev is, why he is called an Honest Political Scientist, why he launched the EN+ project, and what else he is doing nowadays.

Who is Vladislav Soloviev?

Vladislav Soloviev became a political analyst and journalist at the age of 37, but before that, he had worked in a completely different industry. To find out why and how this happened, let us take a look at his biography.

Vladislav Soloviev was born in 1973 in Moscow to a family of ordinary workers. Like all children of that era, he spent a lot of time outdoors, was fond of adventure and fantasy literature, and was involved in a number of hobby clubs. His solid Soviet education allowed him to easily enroll in the Moscow Institute of Management at the Faculty of Economics.

It was a difficult time for the country – one era ended and another began. The knowledge acquired at the institute immediately lost its relevance, as both the political and economic systems were changing. New rules of subject relations were being created from scratch. After graduating in 1996, Vladislav Soloviev, unlike most of his fellow students, decided to work in his specialty.

In one of his interviews, he commented on his decision as follows: “We had a unique chance – to create the economic models from the ground up, according to which the country would develop in the following decades”.

However, reality turned out to be much more prosaic than dreams. Despite the fact that many companies established a couple of months ago were eager to hire a young economist with no experience, the higher-ups of these companies could not explain what the duties of a full-time economist were. Vladislav had to deal with bookkeeping, setting up newly bought office equipment, and even negotiations, but not with his direct duties as an economist.

In those years, business was closely linked to criminal activity; firms went bankrupt within a year, and assets were seized by hasty partners; in other words, there was an active redistribution of primary financial capital in the country. Over the course of 7 years, Soloviev switched a dozen companies and turned from a young specialist into an experienced one.

It was only in the early 2000s that Vladislav Soloviev managed to find a permanent job in an international consulting company with offices in dozens of foreign countries. He worked there for about 10 years, gradually climbing the career ladder. In 2010, Vladislav was offered the post of CEO in one of the branches, but unexpectedly for his superiors, he turned down the position, after which he quit the company altogether.

How the Honest Political Scientist came to be

In an interview, Soloviev said that he had suffered a typical professional burnout. He could no longer do economic calculations to multiply other people’s finances.

Savings and investment assets allowed him to not worry about money for some time, so Soloviev decided to realize his longtime dream of becoming a certified political scientist. He enrolled in a specialized university by correspondence and successfully graduated. At the same time, he wrote articles on politics, sociology, and economics. First for small print and then for academic publications.

The popularity of the young author grew, and the knowledge he gained allowed him to make an in-depth analysis of the economic and political situation, operating with facts and figures and making well-founded conclusions. He signed his articles and often still does so under the alias Honest Political Scientist, thus indicating his unbiased position and lack of prejudice.

Gradually, the audience became more diverse: Vladislav Soloviev’s publications appeared in the mainstream media and on popular online resources such as “RBK”, “Izvestia”, “Zavtra”, and others. The most controversial materials were reprinted by foreign information portals.

Soloviev’s style is a deep immersion in the subject matter and always logical, though sometimes paradoxical, conclusions on the current situation. The author is also known for his conceptual views on the current historical situation. In his opinion, we are at the beginning of a regressive stage initiated by the world’s financial elites.

This is not the “end of history”, according to Fukuyama, but rather the complete exclusion of the social factor from the agenda of the further existence of mankind. In other words, the population turns from a set of individuals into perfect consumers with no intellectual demands and no ambitions. This situation implies a gradual intellectual decline and a cardinal decrease in the level of education in developed countries. One can also forget about revolutions and changes in social formations, as required by the laws of social evolution.

Vladislav Soloviev is trying his best to counteract these regressive processes. His EN+ project is aimed at fighting intellectual entropy. The author’s goal is to revitalize independent journalism, restore the weight and authority of the printed word, and give young journalists a voice. The platform is becoming increasingly popular and attracts dozens of English-speaking authors from all over the world.

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