
Finding Comfort in the Discomfort of Daring: A Message From A Sick & Successful CEO

We all have big dreams. And sometimes, just as we’re trying to step closer to those big dreams, a pesky little voice in our head asks, “Who do you think you are to do this?” The good news is that the little voice doesn’t get to call the shots. And the even better news? You’re not alone in this.

Natalie Suppes, the founder and CEO of S&S Creative, has been there (and still is sometimes). In one of her podcast episodes on Sick and Successful, Natalie shares her experiences with this “imposter syndrome”, with the hope that her stories might be the sign you are looking for to make your dreams happen.

Feeling like an Imposter Is A Sign You’re on the Right Track

Imposter syndrome often shows up uninvited at our most pivotal moments—when we’re on the cusp of change or growth. You might find yourself questioning your worth or your abilities, but Natalie prompts a powerful counter-question, “Who are you not to?” She emphasizes the uniqueness of your journey, urging you to recognize the distinct blend of skills, experiences, and perspectives you bring to the table.

1. Embracing your unique path

When those doubts creep in, questioning your capabilities and worth, remember this – you are uniquely equipped to make a difference in the world. Embrace your story, your journey, and all the twists and turns that have led you to this moment. As Natalie puts it, “If you don’t do that thing that was put on your mind to do right now, someone else is going to do it.” Your voice matters, your story matters – don’t let imposter syndrome rob you of the opportunity to share it with the world.

You can do this by:

  • Listening and Learning: Pay attention to the feedback from those around you. Often, others can see facets of our uniqueness that we overlook. This feedback can serve as a guidepost, helping you to understand how your unique offerings resonate with others.
  • Trial and Error: Embrace experimentation as a tool for discovery. Trying new approaches and stepping out of your comfort zone are invaluable for uncovering what sets you apart. Failure isn’t a setback but a step forward, revealing paths and possibilities that align with your unique strengths.
  • Authentic Expression: Whether through your communication, your brand’s voice, or the projects you pour your passion into, let your authenticity shine. It’s tempting to mimic others’ success formulas, but your strongest advantage lies in your individuality. People connect with genuineness, with stories and solutions that stem from a place of authenticity.

2. Letting go of “shoulds”

Starting something new or transitioning from one field to another comes with a clutter of “shoulds.” The key is to filter out these perceived expectations and focus on what feels true to you. You might not have all the pieces figured out yet, but by taking the first step and proceeding forward, you give yourself room to grow and learn.

You have something special to offer to the world. Don’t deny its existence; don’t stifle its growth with your self-doubts. You can cultivate self-trust by:

  • Listen to Your Instincts: Often, we seek external validation or advice when we already know what we want or need. Learn to listen to and trust your own instincts.
  • Empower Your Decision-Making: Believe in your ability to make decisions. Trusting your choices, even when outcomes are unknown, builds self-confidence and affirms your agency in your journey.
  • Acknowledge Your Growth: Recognize and honor the personal growth you’ve achieved thus far. Trust that you will continue to expand and evolve with each new experience.

3. Recognizing your worth

Questions like “Who am I to do this?” are often signs of imposter syndrome taking hold. Yet, instead of being curtailed by these doubts, we need to challenge them with the truth about our worth. We all have something valuable to offer. Whether it’s an insightful thought, a unique service, or an innovative product, you have something the world needs.

Here’s how to build a foundation of self-worth:

  • Reflect on Past Successes: Regularly take time to inventory your achievements and the challenges you’ve overcome. These shouldn’t be limited to work or academic successes but include personal victories and growth. This exercise isn’t just about boosting your ego; it’s about recognizing your resilience and capability.
  • Cultivate Self-Compassion: Practicing self-compassion is crucial in believing in your worth. Speak to yourself with the same kindness and understanding you would extend to a dear friend. This gentleness with oneself strengthens self-worth, empowering you to approach challenges with resilience rather than fear of failure.
  • Set Personal Boundaries: Learning to say no and establishing clear boundaries is a powerful affirmation of your self-worth. It communicates internally and externally that your time, energy, and contributions are valuable. Setting and maintaining boundaries can boost your self-respect and encourage others to respect you as well.
  • Seek Constructive Feedback: While it’s important not to base your worth solely on others’ opinions, constructive feedback from trusted mentors or peers can provide valuable perspectives. It highlights your strengths and areas for growth, reinforcing the belief in your potential and abilities.

4. Action over perfection

Imposter syndrome can be overpowering, clouding your thoughts, and creating a barrier between you and your goals. Natalie urges us to believe in our potential and take the next step, irrespective of how insignificant it may seem. Sometimes, the most significant victory is in moving forward, one step at a time, even in the face of doubt.

If you’re just starting, be it a business or a creative endeavor, remember, perfection lies in the process, not the starting point. You need not have everything figured out from the get-go.

Here’s how to break the “perfectionism” cycle:

  • Redefine Success: Too often, we view success as a flawless performance or final product. Instead, redefine success as the courage to take action and the willingness to learn from the outcomes. Change the narrative from “I must avoid mistakes” to “I will learn from my mistakes.”
  • Small Steps Matter: You don’t need to make giant leaps to make progress. Begin with small, manageable tasks. Each time you act, you build momentum and reinforce your capacity to navigate challenges.
  • Learn by Doing: Embrace every task, big or small, as a learning opportunity. This not only enhances your skills but also underscores the fact that growth arises from doing, not just knowing.
  • Fail Forward: View failures as stepping stones towards your goal. Each misstep offers valuable insights that can shape your strategy and strengthen your resolve.
  • Measure Against Yourself, Not Others: Instead of comparing yourself with others, gauge your progress against your own previous benchmarks. This shift from external to internal evaluation fosters a healthier and more constructive understanding of your growth and potential.

5. Be Real, Be YOU.

In a world craving genuine connections, being authentic is your greatest asset. Share your story, and your dreams, and let your true self be the beacon that guides others to you. Our world, more than ever, needs genuine, passionate, dedicated souls like you. Cultivate faith in your abilities; you can and will make a difference. 

You can do this by:

  • Self-Reflection: Dedicate time for self-reflection. Journaling, meditation, or simply spending quiet time alone can help you tune into your inner voice and identify your true desires and convictions.
  • Self-Acceptance: Accept yourself unconditionally. Embrace your quirks, your peculiarities, and even your limitations. Recognize that your uniqueness contributes to your distinction and value in any space.
  • Value Alignment: Clarify your values and let them guide your actions and decisions. When your actions are congruent with your beliefs, you build self-confidence and authenticity.

6. Celebrate each success

Celebrate each milestone, each victory, however small or big. Each accomplishment is a testament to your abilities. Start celebrating each success by:

  • Acknowledge Small Wins: Take note of daily accomplishments, such as completing a difficult task, venturing outside your comfort zone, or learning a new skill.
  • Record Your Achievements: Keep a success journal where you can jot down your accomplishments. This record is not just a token of appreciation for your efforts but also a powerful tool that you can revisit when imposter feelings strike.
  • Learn to Accept Compliments: If someone praises your work or accomplishment, resist the instinct to downplay or reject it. Instead, thank them and let yourself feel good about the recognition.

Every time you hear that whisper of self-doubt, remember Natalie’s words: “No matter how loud the imposter syndrome is, take the next step. Believe in yourself enough to just go one step ahead.” And always remember, it’s entirely possible for you to transform this imposter into a cheerleader for your success.

Embrace the Journey: The First Step is All it Takes

When dealing with imposter syndrome, Natalie’s message to everyone is clear: Don’t look five steps forward; just focus on the next one. Trust in your skills, believe in your dreams and show up. The world needs your authenticity, your genuine joy, and your unique vision. Every stumble and every second guess can be a springboard for a new level of success.

So, for anyone out there feeling trapped by their doubts, remember, you’re not alone. You’re on the cusp of something great. All it takes is to believe in yourself enough to take that next step, and then the next. Because, in the wise words of Natalie, “If it’s in your mind, you were put here to do it.”

Ready to take on that dream? Why not visit S&S Creative and listen to more episodes on their podcast Sick and Successful. Let’s embrace our paths to success, with all its twists, turns, and adventures. 

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