
How Asif Ali Gohar Delegates New Tasks in Vegan Leather Empire

Today we are talking to Asif Ali Gohar about how he delegates new tasks. As his business is growing quickly there are sure to be new jobs and tasks that need to be done that will require delegation to current or new employees. Let’s learn about how he makes the decisions on what task will fall to which department, and when to pass it to a current employee or to hire someone new.

How often do you find new tasks that need to delegate or completed?

When we are growing the line or expanding, those are the times that new tasks are most likely to pop up. There are always new things that need to be done, new connections to make, networking to do, and this creates more work. We also need to add the new expansion into the current systems, to add tracking for raw materials and deliveries, and sometimes new programing is required.
I would say that at least a few times a year we have accumulated a handful of tasks that were not previously assigned to anyone specific, that should be done by one person to ensure the smooth operation of the business on a daily basis.

How do you decide if this is something that can be added to the job description of someone or if it will require a new hire?

Generally, if it is an extension of a job that is already being done, it can be delegated to the person who is already doing that task. For example, when I add a new raw material source and they need to be worked into the rotation, I will provide that information to the person who is already doing the ordering and working with the suppliers, and they will do the rest of the work to add them to the programs and to schedule the deliveries we need.

If we have a few tasks that are unrelated to things that are already being done, or they are going to be too much for the one person who is doing the most similar jobs, we will hire someone new. That person may take some of the new tasks and some that are already being done by someone else, while that other person will take on new tasks that fit closely with what they already do, or the new hire may take on all the recent new tasks and form them into a job description. The goal is to keep like tasks with the same person as often as possible. It offers the best productivity and happiness in the employees.

If you do hire someone new, do you add more tasks to their job to fill the time or do they just have one or two things to do?

Usually hiring someone new will be the result of having many things that need to be done, or one large task that needs done frequently. It allows us to avoid overloading current team members and we are able to provide a new job for someone who might need it.

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