How Paperless Business Cards Are Changing The Narrative?

COVID-19 has stressed contactless experiences more than ever. Taking things digital has gone from being a convenient option to a business necessity. The market is now flooded with paperless business cards, changing the networking narrative. Gone are the days of conventional paper-based networking. Now digital business cards are making headlines and reaping benefits. In this guide, let’s dive deep into the eco-friendly aspects of choosing paperless business cards.

Effects of Traditional Business Cards On The Environment

Regardless of the fact that paper is recyclable, there are still existing impacts of paper on the environment. Did you know that 7.2 million trees are cut annually? It’s then transformed into tiny rectangle paper cards. As trees store half of the carbon found on Earth, this has a significant carbon footprint. Additionally, about 90% of paper business cards are lost, forgotten, or mistakenly thrown away, creating significant waste. The previously printed business cards are also useless once someone quits their work.

Moreover, a tremendous amount of water is required for manufacturing paper cards. Not to overlook the deforestation and waste that accompanies it. Roughly around 10L of water produces a single piece of A4 paper. This accounts for 300L for successfully manufacturing 1 kg of paper.

Decoding Digital Business Cards

Digital business cards are widely adopted for multiple reasons. It gives tough competition with its features, such as easy access, tracking and saving, and premium interactivity to paper business cards. It makes a great alternative to conventional business cards due to the following reasons:

  • Rewrite it anytime you want
  • Self-powered
  • You can give back to the Earth
  • Suited to iOS and Android

A digital business card is the only environmentally responsible choice for business cards that enables you to network with a carbon-zero footprint. This is because they are produced, controlled, and delivered online. By doing this, you eliminate the necessity for printing and using paper business cards and networks in a paperless, environmentally responsible, and sustainable way.

How Do Paperless Business Cards Provide A Green Solution?

Also known as e-business cards, digital business cards are sustainable alternatives without a carbon footprint. These cards are built, shared, and stored through computer software or mobile apps. Here’s how sustainable business cards contribute to shaping a green environment.

  • Digital business cards contribute to the environment by helping it recover from the disastrous consequences of deforestation & pollution. Switch your company to a creative digital networking solution.
  • Compared to conventional business cards, paperless ones are highly interactive and can store a truckload of information. It includes names, business apps, contact details, social media links, pdfs, photos, videos, credentials, marketing discounts, and more. Clients can directly email, call, or text through the card.
  • As mentioned earlier, paper-based business cards usually go to waste when there’s a job switch. However, this isn’t the case with virtual business cards. Regardless of whether you get a promotion or switch jobs, you can change information at the click of a button. Change the numbers or data in the website/app, and it’ll automatically get updated on the card.
  • Yet another popular difficulty that people face is that the business cards get lost within just a week. On the contrary, paperless business cards can be synced through a QR code or link to the client’s inbox. You benefit in two ways from this. Firstly, it won’t get lost. Secondly, you’ve got a higher chance of converting a customer.
  • Paperless business cards check all aspects of a sustainable approach. The entire procedure of manufacturing paper business cards harms the environment, from harvesting to transportation and manufacturing. On the other hand, going virtual prevents waste and cutting down trees.


Do your part in contributing to reducing the harmful environmental effects. Choose paperless business cards and go fully digital. Not only does it help recover the environment, but it also makes things more convenient for you. Many websites and mobile apps are available where you can design a personalized business card. Although many businesses offer digital business cards, as a consumer, you should choose the one that emphasizes networking and branding with sustainability at the center.

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