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How to Keep Your Hands Moisturised This Winter?

by Busines Newswire
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Winters means dry and gloomy weather. When the weather data displays ice or chill on the meters, it is a hard time for your skin due to the lack of moisture. Winters make your hands very dry and often flaky if not cared for. Some people even get hand cracks as they get on their feet. Hands in general suffer from dryness during winters.  Here’s how to keep your hands moisturized this winter:

1. Hydrate your skin and hands from within.

We often don’t feel that thirty hence drink less water during winter. This leads to a less hydrated body and skin and of course hands. The first step to keep your hands moisturized is to keep your body moisture-filled by drinking a good amount of water even during winter. Eat any hydrating fruits if available in stores in your location. Hydration from within is the best form of moisturization. It keeps hands soft and supple.

2. Use a Gentle Handwash

Ever since COVID struck us, over-washing hands or using sanitizers became the new normal. This has led to even dryer hands and especially in winter. To avoid stripping your hands of the natural oils that protect your skin barrier, use a gentle handwash or cleanser. Harsh handwashes strip your hands of the natural oils and leave them feeling dry. Try using a handwash with a very balanced pH level and devoid of parabens and other harsh chemicals.

3. Exfoliate Once a Week

Yes, you need to exfoliate your hands. Exfoliation helps in removing deep-built dirt and dead skin cells which form callouses on the skin if left for a long while. Instead of using a soap-based exfoliator try using a moisturizing exfoliator. This removes the build-up and moisturizes at the same time. Even better is to use an exfoliator made from home ingredients. Mix sugar, honey or oil. Kick in any other benefit you want from this exfoliant and let your hands glow. Remember to exfoliate only once a week or your skin barrier gets irritated.

4. Moisturize Right after Washing Hands

Always remember to moisturize your hands immediately after washing hands or when you feel they are dry. There is no shame or embarrassment to feel when you do so. Just like how people reapply sunscreens, you can reapply moisturizers on your hands. No matter how many brand say they have 12-hour lock/48-hour lock/72-hour lock moisture, we know it doesn’t really last long. A great way to lock your moisture is to apply a moisturizer first and then use a body oil to form a protective barrier. This way your moisturized hands will last longer, just dry excessive oil with a tissue or blotting paper. Use a gel-based or water-based moisturizer if you have oily skin. Go for an oil-based moisturizer in case you have extremely dry skin.

5. Always Treat Overnight

Your skin heals itself in the night when you’re resting. The best time to protect your hands is also the night. After you’ve done your skincare routine get back to your hands. Cleanse and exfoliate then moisturise. Pick a good hand cream and apply it on your hands and leave it overnight. Try picking creams with good ingredients known for moisturization like shea butter, and honey. Additionally, you can go for retinol and collagen as ingredients if you are trying to go for an anti-ageing effect. Use a cream that suits your skin type and works best overnight.


Winter makes you want to hibernate in your blankets but you have to get up and work. You can not escape from winter but you can definitely save your hands from winter. Follow the tips above to keep your hands moisturised during the winter without much hassle.