Interview with Fabiana Zangara: Immigration Law, the path to the American Dream

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You’re helping many people realize their American Dream. How did it all happen for you? How did you end up living in the United States?

Fabiana Zangara: I’ve always loved traveling, but I have never had a real American Dream.  Winning a scholarship for being the best student at La Sapienza University in Rome opened the door. When I studied in New York, my intention was to return to Italy after my master’s and become an anti-mafia prosecutor.

After graduating from the Cardozo School of Law, I became a research scholar and passed the Bar exam in NY. A world of opportunities opened up. I embraced the freedom lawyers have in America. The market is so fluid; you can choose the cases you truly believe in.

What is your biggest passion?

Fabiana Zangara: My passion is helping people. I want to have a positive impact on people’s lives, helping them to make their biggest dreams come true. That’s why I picked immigration law. Usually, for many foreigners, it all starts with getting a green card or a work visa as many people have an American Dream. Helping them to succeed is my biggest motivation.

What’s your favorite aspect of being an immigration lawyer?

Fabiana Zangara: I enjoy developing relationships with my clients that transcend pure business aspects and become mutual appreciation, sometimes friendships. I have the privilege to lead my clients in very important decisions in their lives and steps to reach their goals.

How hard is it to get used to the American work environment?

Fabiana Zangara: It is a very competitive field, in which it is not easy to stand out. The level is very high in this environment of very prepared professionals. But I believe passion makes a difference. Motivation and hard work can take you a long way in every sector. There is a lot of sweat, a lot of effort to succeed and keep being successful.

What are the secrets of your success?

Fabiana Zangara: Big ambition, determination, and a spirit of sacrifice mostly. Being ready to face challenges, getting out of my comfort zone, but also a big spirit of adaptation.

There will be achievements and failures, but that’s what improves you as a person and as a professional.

America-Italy relationship. What do Americans love about Italy? How did being Italian help you in your career?

Fabiana Zangara: My Italianity makes it easier for me to build human relationships. We are very social, cheerful people, and it is very natural for us to interact with others. This is an advantage and allows Italians to build strong and long-lasting business relationships with clients from all over the world. Americans usually love this aspect of our personality.

 What’s the message you want to share through your work?

Fabiana Zangara: The message I want to send is that the American Dream is not so unreachable if people are willing to get out of their comfort zone and make sacrifices. If you have an idea, believe in it and in yourself, you can do anything you want.

 Is obtaining permanent residency (a green card) getting harder?

Fabiana Zangara: If the requirements are met, there are good chances of obtaining the Green Card. However, it is a very delicate process that has a significant impact on people’s lives and it is essential to handle it properly; otherwise, people risk jeopardizing their stay or the possibility of relocating to the USA.

How can people contact you?

My email is and my website is


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