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Is Almond Butter Healthier Than Peanut Butter?

Choosing a buttery companion for your morning toast or oatmeal might seem simple.

But that small addition of nuts could make a difference to your health, depending on your choice. So will it be a classic peanut butter? Or a trendy almond variety?

Our article will compare the health benefits of almond butter vs. peanut butter. Is almond butter healthier than peanut butter? Don’t make your breakfast until you’ve read until the end.

The Nutritional Value of Almond Butter Vs. Peanut Butter

Both almond and peanut butter offer lots of rich nutrients. They are a healthy choice for any diet. Both provide a good source of protein plus lots of heart-healthy fats.

The difference comes when you look more deeply at their nutritional profile.

For example, almond butter provides more vitamin E and magnesium. It also has a higher iron content. Iron is vital for growth and development. A lack of iron can leave you feeling tired.

In contrast, peanut butter offers slightly more protein than almond. Protein is useful for muscles.

Both also provide a surprising amount of fiber. However, almond offers a higher fiber content, which is useful for digestive health. When you shop for almond butter, check the nutritional content on the label for specifics on fiber and protein.

Peanut Butter Vs. Almond Butter: Heart Health

A balanced and nutrient-rich diet is vital for our heart health. And here, almond butter offers an advantage. This butter has high levels of monounsaturated fat.

This type of heart-healthy fat can lower LDL cholesterol levels. At the same time, it offers our bodies the more beneficial HDL cholesterol.

The high magnesium levels in almond butter also help our hearts. This mineral aids heart rhythm regulation.

Additionally, the vitamin E in almond butter acts as an antioxidant.

That means it can reduce inflammation and oxidative stress in the body. Peanut butter’s nutritional profile also makes it a good choice for heart health. Even so, almond has the edge here.

Comparing Calorie Content

On average, two tablespoons of almond butter contains around 98 calories. Peanut butter has a slightly lower count of about 94 calories. So there isn’t much difference.

Plus, it’s important to remember that these are nutritionally dense foods. A little goes a long way; per calorie, you get lots of vitamins and minerals from both butters.

Other Nutritional Differences

Peanut butter contains more B vitamins than almond butter. B vitamins, including B6, help our immune system and brain function. The B6 vitamin also benefits our nervous system.

Peanut butter also contains more zinc. Zinc is another valuable mineral that helps support our immune system. Zinc is also important for our development, so it’s essential for children and teenagers.

Is Almond Butter Healthier Than Peanut Butter?

We’ve now compared both nut butters side by side. So is almond butter healthier than peanut butter? The answer is that they both offer many fantastic benefits when eaten as a balanced diet.

The slight difference in minerals and vitamins means you could choose based on your health priorities. And for more food and health advice, check out some of our other recent articles.

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