
Non-Surgical Methods of Reducing Snoring

Snoring is a common issue across all age groups. Occasional snoring are not harmful. Some severe cases are signs of underlying sleep-related breathing disorders. Light snoring are treatable using nasal stripes. But if you experience side effects of nasal strips, consider alternative options.

Treatment options for snoring fall into surgical or non-surgical methods. Non-surgical snoring remedies aim to improve sleep posture and open airways. 

We researched the various non-surgical methods of reducing snoring. This blog will cover each method in detail.

Treatment Through Medication

1. Treating chronic allergies

Allergies increase snoring by reducing the flow of air. You can improve your condition using allergy medications. Ensure you consult a doctor before using OTC medications. 

2. Injection Snoreplasty

Injection Snoreplasty is a non-surgical snoring therapy performed under local anesthetic. A physician injects a hardening substance into the palate. This causes scarring, tightness, and rigidity. This leads to less vibratory and, as a result, less snoring. 

3. Radiofrequency Reduction

Radiofrequency palatoplasty uses radiofrequency heat. It heats the back of the mouth’s roof and shrinks or stiffens it. The firmer the soft palate and uvula, the less the likelihood of vibrating. It results in less snoring. 

Treatment Through Devices

1. Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machine

The CPAP machine aims to keep your airways open. The snorer wears a pressurized air mask over their nose, mouth, or both when sleeping.

2. Nasal dilator strips

A nasal dilator is an adhesive strip used for stabilizing or expanding the nasal valve. It can be applied on the bridge between the nose and mouth. It decreases airflow resistance and improves breathing. There are also nasal inserts available used inside the nose. You can also use a chin strap which keeps the mouth closed during sleep. 

3. Oral appliances

An oral appliance is a dental mouthpiece. It reduces snoring by positioning the jaw, soft palate, and tongue during sleep. It enables adequate airflow. They are available over the counter for self-fitting. You can also consult a dentist or ENT specialist for a professional fitting. 

Lifestyle Changes

  • Quit smoking: Smoking cessation reduces snoring.
  • Reduce alcohol intake: Avoid drinking alcohol two hours before bedtime. Sedatives cause central nervous system relaxation, affecting throat tissues.
  • Maintain a healthy weight: Overweight individuals may have throat tissues causing snoring.
  • Avoid using sleeping tablets: Inform your doctor about snoring before taking sedatives.
  • Adopt a lateral sleeping position: Sew a tennis ball into a pajama top for a lateral position.

Practice Mouth Exercises

Mouth exercises are effective for reducing snoring. These exercises involve pronouncing vowel sounds, chewing, and tongue movements. They work by improving the functioning of the mouth and upper respiratory tract.


Non-surgical treatments are safer ways to prevent snoring from occurring regularly. They are free from bleeding, infections, tissues, or nerve damage.

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