
Saying the Right Things: A Guide to Dedication Plaque Wording

How do you summarize a person’s whole life into a single phrase or sentence?

Losing a loved one is something everyone hopes never to experience. It’s normal to feel angry, guilty, sad, or even nothing at all. This is all part of the grieving experience, and allowing yourself to work through it is essential.

Part of grieving is commemorating your loved one, often through a plaque. Honoring someone’s life or legacy can be a daunting and complicated task.

That’s why we’ve created this guide to dedication plaque wording. Read on to discover some tips on how to word a dedication plaque. You can also use some of these tips to compose a memorial plaque.

Plan the Design

Before you start drafting, you must first decide what the plaque will look like. Memorial and dedication plaques can come in different shapes and sizes. They can also have various formats or materials, which can further limit the things you can say.

Bronze plaques are the most popular due to their ability to weather storms and how easy they are to clean. However, this material can look plain, which may not suit the person you want to commemorate. Bronze plaques are also more expensive than other materials like glass or stainless steel.

Durability is a crucial consideration if you want to keep the plaque outdoors. You may have more flexibility if you’re awarding a plaque after a great achievement. Find more info at

Introduce the Person

The easiest way to make a plaque more unique is to introduce the person it’s for. The military often includes the awardee’s position. However, you can start by simply stating that person’s name.

You can also opt to introduce your loved one with a known nickname. Dedication plaques also often include a date.

On memorial plaques, people usually state their loved one’s date of birth and date of passing. If you’re awarding a plaque for retirement, you can instead add that person’s service period.

Choose an Opening

Each commemorative piece starts with an opening statement. Most people will only glance at the memorial before moving on. An opening statement helps them understand what the plaque is for.

Here are some of the most popular opening statements used for commemorative and memorial plaques:

  • In Loving Memory
  • In Remembrance of
  • Remembering Our Dear
  • A Tribute to
  • In Honor of
  • Dedicated to
  • “Here lies…”

You can also come up with a unique message that you think your loved one will appreciate. Some people will skip the opening statement and go straight to the name and message.

Consider Adding a Quote

Quotes are a unique way to personalize a commemorative plaque for a loved one. Quotes are a powerful way to honor a person’s ideals and values. If the person was fond of books, you can add a quote from their favorite novel.

You can use songs, a favorite line from a movie, or bible verses if your loved one was religious. The best way to truly personalize a memorial plaque is to use a person’s favorite catchphrase.

Anyone who has known this person during their lifetime will understand and bond over that shared memory.

Commemorate Their Life

You don’t have to summarize a person’s entire life to honor their memory. Everyone has at least one favorite memory of a person. You can incorporate this into the memorial piece to make it more meaningful.

For awarded plaques, you can instead add the person’s achievement and what they did to get it. Military personnel will sometimes get awarded plaques “for their bravery” or “quick-thinking on the battlefield.”

If you want a plaque that can mean something to everyone, describe how this person impacted the lives of everyone around them. It could be “being a good friend to all” or “a hardworking father.”


Everyone who experienced loss has something they wish they had said before their loved one’s passing. Writing a plaque is an opportunity to say your final goodbyes and messages. Express your gratitude, love, and appreciation for your loved one in a short message.

The best thing about this is that there’s no wrong way to do it. Remember, this is your final message to that person. Take your time and think about what this person means to you and how they want others to remember them.

Add the Final Details

Dedication plaques don’t have to end with a few words. You can include your loved one’s picture or little details that relate to them.

Every culture has symbols that have certain meanings. Crosses, angels, and roses are popular motifs used on memorial plaques. However, you can also opt for custom designs.

The advancement of technology has made it possible to create unique symbols for plaques. If you’re commemorating a pet, you can engrave their portrait or paw print on the plaque. Other cool ideas include the person’s favorite flower or their preferred musical instrument.

Get Feedback

Writing a memorial plaque is understandably difficult. Grief can be an isolating experience, but it’s crucial to remember that you aren’t alone. Talk to friends and family members to see if they can contribute ideas.

A memorial plaque must resonate with everyone who has loved the deceased. You can write down different quotes or phrases and place a vote on what you all think is best. Sign makers can provide an objective point of view and help you finalize the wording for a dedication plaque.

How to Say the Right Thing With Dedication Plaque Wording

Now you know how to compose meaningful dedication plaque wording. Writing a plaque for a loved one can feel intimidating. It’s easy to feel like you have nothing or too much to say.

Use these tips to write a message that everyone will appreciate. If you found this article helpful, please consider checking out our other blog posts. We have more great content for you to discover.

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