
The most unusual traffic rules in different countries

Before you go on a trip (especially driving your car), you should at least:

  1. Study the laws of the country you travel to.
  2. Plan your route.
  3. Prepare an emergency kit that includes first-aid, a flashlight, blankets, extra clothing, and non-perishable snacks.
  4. Be sure your car is in good working condition.

These minimum measures will prevent unpleasant surprises during your vacation or business trips abroad. Speaking about the first point on the list, many people think the traffic rules in the United States and other countries are almost identical. But this is not true. Getting a license in your home country and perfect driving skills do not guarantee you’ll be fine when traveling abroad. So, I have collected the most curious traffic rules worldwide.


– In Luxembourg, every car must be equipped with windshield wipers, regardless of the availability of windows.

– In Switzerland, washing cars on Sundays and driving in the city of Zermatt in vehicles with a fuel engine is forbidden.

– In Denmark, expressing emotions on the road with obscene gestures is punishable by a fine of several thousand euros.

– In Finland, the amount of payment for traffic violations is not fixed by law but is calculated as a percentage of the declared income of the offender.

– Motorists in Cyprus are forbidden to eat while driving and drink any, even soft drinks. In addition, it is not allowed to sound signals near medical institutions.

– In France, a sobriety test kit is mandatory in every car. Failure to undergo this procedure when requested by police officers risks immediate arrest.

– In Spain, on even-numbered days of the month, cars are usually parked on one side of the road and odd-numbered days on the other.


Here, I’ve collected the most bizarre rules I’ve ever heard about from my friends and acquaintances from different states:

– Massachusetts has a separate rule for pet gorilla lovers. If you have a gorilla, know this: it must sit buckled in the passenger seat LOL.

– In Alabama, you cannot operate a motor vehicle while wearing a blindfold. Please don’t do that ever!

– In Denver, CO, driving black autos on city streets on Sundays is illegal.

– Memphis city, TN, has another unusual rule – it is forbidden to sleep behind the wheel of a moving car.

– In Toronto, Canada, North America, it is illegal to transport dead horses down the main street on Sundays.

By the way, the car market in the USA is the biggest in the world. You can find the right car for you without much trouble. The large number of motorists explains so many funny rules of behavior on the road. I mean, these rules were invented for a reason.


– In Japan, car owners over 75 must equip their cars with a special warning sign. There is also a law in the territory of this country on charging fines for accidentally splashing pedestrians with mud or water during bad weather.

– In China, motorists are prohibited from stopping or slowing down in front of crosswalks. This creates significant difficulties for tourists who want to cross to the other side of the road and are not used to such conditions.

– In Thailand, it is forbidden to be behind the wheel of a car with a bare torso.

– In South Korea, turning left is allowed only at intersections with appropriate signs.

– In the Philippines, motorists whose car numbers end in the 1 or 2 digits have no right to drive on the roads on Mondays.

– In Singapore, motorists may only approach pedestrians at most 50 meters.

– In the United Arab Emirates, camels can travel in any dedicated highway lane. This should not only be considered, but you should give way to them if circumstances require it.

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