Things That Make A Logo Beautiful: Reflections on The Form and Function of a Logo

We are exposed to logos everywhere. We drive to work and home and we see logos staring at us. We go to malls and we see even more logos. Colorful neon signboards of various brands screaming for our attention! But how many of these logos do we remember? Does it all become a blur after some time? Not really! If you pay attention to the form and function when you have a logo made (logo laten maken), it’ll leave an imprint. It’s bound to!

What’s form and function and why is it important in a logo?

You want your logo to stand out when you have a website designed (website laten ontwerpen). To make your logo look more memorable, you need to focus on two crucial aspects – form and function.

The form is how your logo looks. The shape, the color, and the design are part of the form. It’s the overall aesthetic appeal of an object – in this case, a logo. The function is the practicality of the object in question. It answers the purpose served by the object. Although these two terms are used frequently in architecture, they aren’t exclusive to the domain.

How form and function affect the look of a logo

‘Form follows function’ is a common phrase in the world of architecture these days. It means the practical concerns of a building should get the first priority before the design or aesthetics. However, this principle doesn’t work when you have a logo made (logo laten maken). A logo serves no practical purpose other than attracting the visual interest of consumers. Aesthetics dominate the design of a logo. It is not to say that function has no say in this. We’ll talk about the functional aspect of a logo below.

For now, we could say that ‘function follows form’ when we talk of a logo.

Aspects of form and function in a logo

Let’s talk about the specifics of form and function now. Below are the aspects that make up the form and function of a logo:

  • Shape: The shape of your logo is possibly the first thing that consumers recall. It has to be ranked higher than color for precisely this reason. Shape is the basic structure on which the foundation of a logo is built. Shapes like circles, squares, or cones are easier to remember and they complete the visual framework.


  • Font: The choice of a font is critical when you have a website made (website laten ontwerpen). It should match the vibe of your business and reflect the seriousness or nonchalance of your business. Your choice of Sans serif, Gothic, or Times New Roman should depend on the nature of your business.


  • Color: After the logo’s shape and font are decided, it’s time to sit back and reflect a little. Now comes the inclusion of the distinguishing factor – the color. Bright colors are usually chosen for their ‘quick notice’ effect. However, it doesn’t have to be the norm. Sometimes a black or light gray color suits the brand.


  • Space: Symmetrical spacing is an important aspect of a logo. If the logo is spaced out too far or too close, it may not strike the landing. The space should be in harmony with the shape and font and complement it nicely.

Logos with good form and function

We have talked about the aspects of form and function in detail by now. Let’s see how major brands used these elements in their logo. Here’s how popular brands combine form and function to achieve a cult following:

1. Nike

The simple swoosh design of the iconic brand Nike is the best example of form over function. The shape is abstract but reflects the brand value clearly. The short tagline is just the cherry on top.

2. Spotify

The logo of the digital music app is three horizontal circles within a green circle. Again, it’s abstract. But it gets the job done. The lines represent sound waves and the green color couldn’t be more fitting.

3. The New York Times

The newspaper daily, The New York Times, has the words written in a Gothic font. The spacing is compressed to give the logo an enhanced and serious look, reflective of its journalism.

4. Barbie

The handwritten serif font in pink color is an appropriate logo for a doll company. It shows the fun and relaxed nature of the product which rubs on to the brand as well.

5. Target

The red dot of Target’s logo hits the bull’s eye in logo design. Rarely does a company’s name, values, and logo come together in such synchronous harmony as that of Target. Both form and function have equal emphasis in this logo.

Key Takeaway

The beauty of a logo depends on its form and function. The shape, font, color, and space are the four crucial aspects of these two elements. It’s essential to take care of these aspects when you have a logo made (logo laten maken). Form, however, needs more focus as it deals with aesthetics.

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