Top Products That Changed the Direct Selling Industry

Did you know that the concept of direct selling has been around for over one hundred and fifty years? It’s true! The first established direct selling company, The Southwestern Company, entered the retail scene all the way back in 1855. In the U.S., individuals have been in direct sales since the 1700s. As you might have already guessed, products have changed a lot since those early days.

From Avon to USANA, the world of direct sales has seen huge innovations throughout the years. Let’s take a deeper look into five innovative products and companies that have made the biggest impacts on the world of direct sales.

1.  Avon: Opportunities for Women

1886 marked the beginning of the California Perfume Company—one of the great powerhouses in the world of cosmetics. It would later be known by the most well-recognized name in the industry—Avon. The company was founded by David H. McConnell, a door-to-door book salesman who set out to give women an opportunity to earn independent income. McConnell was inspired by women’s ability to network and uplift one another and built a thriving business with these women’s passion as the foundation.

Today, Avon is a wildly successful, billion-dollar company that has expanded across international borders, reaching customers and direct sellers worldwide.

2.  Tupperware: Keeping It Fresh

Odds are you’ve attended or at least been invited to a Tupperware party at the home of a friend or neighbor. Tupperware parties date all the way back to 1948, taking their innovative household products directly to the homes of direct sellers in order to better demonstrate the functionality of each product. The company was initially founded in 1942 by Earl Tupper, who created the famous airtight plastic containers that could better preserve food.

Famous for their direct marketing strategy, a.k.a. the “party plan,” Tupperware and the famous Tupperware parties are still alive and well today. But even if you can’t make it to one of these house parties, Tupperware products can also be found online, ranging from the original plastic food containers to spice racks, lunch boxes, and even food bowls for your pets.

3.  The Impact of the Internet

You read that right: the rise of the internet has proved one of the most influential advances in the world of direct sales. Door-to-door sales can easily be expanded to the world of digital communication and social media, broadening the reach of direct sellers. Instead of sales being limited to a next-door neighbor or a relative, distributors can share their products with anyone in the world, completing purchases entirely through the World Wide Web. Digital marketing now reigns supreme as many individuals make purchases based on popular Instagram and Facebook posts instead of simply browsing the nearest grocery store for a product that may or may not work for them.

With the help of the internet and social media, sellers can research the needs of potential customers and more accurately predict how someone might react to a specific product. It can help determine the best products to sell and where the most success lies. It also allows customers to share reviews and promote a product to other potential customers. For example, someone looking for health supplements and vitamins that better meet their needs can jump online and do a quick search for a specific nutrient like potassium or vitamin C. That search instantly reveals thousands of reviews from customers of companies like USANA Health Sciences, and the person doing the searching can then add to the ranks of satisfied customers.

4.  The Essential Oils Revolution

Essential oils may seem like a recent trend, but the truth is that aromatherapy has been a part of human history for thousands of years. Ancient civilizations around the world, including China, India, Egypt, and Rome, were among the first to take a more holistic approach to treating ailments. Various herbs and spices were made into oils and used for cooking, hygiene, and materials like frankincense and pine were even burned on street corners of medieval Europe as a way to mask the unpleasant odors of the time.

In today’s modern world, essential oils are distributed through direct sales by companies like Young Living, doTERRA, and dozens of others. These oils are still a popular form of aromatherapy and are just as popular amongst direct sales experts as they have been throughout history. So, the next time you catch that familiar and heavenly scent of lavender and lemon, you probably have direct sales to thank (and the expertise of aromatherapists throughout history).

5.  USANA and the Pursuit of Wellness

Established in 1992 by microbiologist and immunologist Dr. Myron Wentz, USANA Health Sciences has been revolutionizing direct sales and the path to improved wellness through cellular optimization. USANA takes a scientific approach to developing supplements and other personal care products, focusing on the power of individual cells—the building blocks of the human body.

Take USANA’s CellSentials for example. Product developers at the USANA labs take natural, high-quality ingredients that are known to speak directly to cells and combine those ingredients in a way that best activates your body’s full potential. CellSentials include both Core Minerals and Vita Antioxidant, creating a way to support and sustain a healthy life through InCelligence Technology. Through the passion and dedication of USANA’s in-house scientists, a team of experts, and direct sellers throughout the world, USANA encourages and helps sustain high-quality living for everyone.

What Does the Future Hold?

Innovation has always been a part of human history, and it will continue to thrive within the world of direct sales. Companies new and old continue to push the boundaries of what makes a great product, and as great strides are made in science and technology, there is a growing need for revolutionary products and services that can keep up with our fast-paced way of life. As companies like USANA Health Sciences continue to advance and innovate, there’s no telling what great developments are yet to come.

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