When is the best time to repair your flat roof?

Do you suspect your industrial roof needs repairing?

Flat roofs are exposed to extreme weather conditions. Wind, rain, hail, snow and scorching temperatures can eventually reduce the efficiency and life expectancy of your roof.

If you’ve spotted water leaks, or you’ve recently experienced adverse weather which may have caused damage to your roof, it’s worth asking industrial roofing contractors to inspect it. This way, they can carry out the necessary repairs to prevent issues from escalating into something much more serious (and expensive).

Most people opt for roof repairs in summer or autumn, but it’s worth considering the factors below when deciding on a suitable time to have your roof inspected and repaired.


Most industrial roofs come with a warranty – covering defects in the roofing material and the quality of the installation.

Depending on when you had your flat roof installed, your roof repairs may be covered under the warranty, meaning you won’t need to pay a penny!

You might consider repairing the roof yourself or asking someone you know to help. But keep in mind, if the repairs are not carried out by a professional roofer, you could actually void or invalidate your warranty.


If your flat roof is in desperate need of repairs, don’t delay. Finding and repairing issues early on will help to mitigate the risk of additional damages.

However, changes in temperature and weather can impact the cost and success of roof repairs.

For example, in the winter, a roofer is likely to have ice-numbed hands and the roof might be flooded or slippy – making it impractical and unsafe for repairs to be carried out. Our best advice is to put repairs off for a couple of weeks or months, if you can – at least until the weather improves.

Spring is often the busiest time of year for roofing contractors. This is because the weather is getting better and repairs that have been pushed back are finally getting completed.

The weather in the UK is (usually) warmer in the summer than it is in other seasons – allowing roofing contractors to complete repairs comfortably, without battling the elements. Higher temperatures also help to cure the bonding materials used to seal flat roofs, saving time.

If you can wait until autumn time to have your industrial flat roof repaired, it’s worth doing so. Roofers won’t have to work in potentially dangerous conditions and your interior won’t be exposed to extreme temperatures. Another reason why you should consider having your roof repaired in autumn is that you’ll be able to relax knowing that it’s prepared for the harsh conditions to come in winter.

Extend the life of your industrial roof today

A great way to reduce the need for repairs is to have your flat roof inspected and maintained periodically by industrial roofing contractors.

Ideally, you should arrange to have your roof looked at once a year – especially after storms – so roofers can locate and identify potential issues, including (but not limited to) damage from debris, missing flashing or clogs in the drainage system.

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