7 Common Misconceptions About Cloud-Native

As more businesses transition to cloud-native technologies, misconceptions about what it actually means to be “cloud native” continue to spread. Unfortunately, running your application in the cloud does not make you cloud native

And there are so many misconceptions out there around this term. So understanding the facts about cloud native development is key.

In this post we’ll debunk some of the most common misconceptions and give you the facts.

Myth 1: Cloud Native Means Developing in the Cloud

The biggest myth is that cloud native development means developing in the cloud. While cloud native development often uses cloud based tools like hosted IDEs or CI/CD pipelines, the location of the development process is irrelevant. You can develop cloud native apps with traditional on-premises tools as long as the apps are designed to be scalable, distributed and resilient. The focus is on the application architecture, not where the development happens.

Fact:  Cloud native development is not about using cloud based tools. It’s about creating modular, scalable applications designed to run in dynamic environments, whether on-premises or in the cloud.

Misconception 2: Cloud-Native Apps Must Run in the Cloud

Another myth is that cloud native apps must run in a cloud. This is not true. While many cloud native apps are deployed in public clouds like AWS or Microsoft Azure, they can also be hosted on-premises using tools like Kubernetes. The key characteristic of a cloud native app is its scalability and modularity, not where it’s hosted. An app can be cloud native and still run in a private data center.

Fact: Cloud native applications are defined by their architecture—scalable, distributed and often microservices based—not by their hosting environment. You can deploy cloud native apps in the cloud and on-premises.

Misconception 3: Cloud-Native Requires Containers

While containers are a popular technology in the cloud-native world, they are not a requirement. You can build cloud-native applications using other technologies such as serverless functions or even traditional deployment models, as long as the apps are designed to scale and be resilient. Containers are just one of many tools available for cloud-native development.

Fact: Cloud native development doesn’t require containers. Other technologies like serverless or unikernels can also support cloud native applications.

Misconception 4: Microservices Automatically Make an App Cloud-Native

Microservices break applications into smaller, independently deployable units but this alone doesn’t make an app cloud native. A cloud native app must also embrace scalability and distribution. You could develop microservices that are hard to scale or that all run on the same host which wouldn’t align with cloud native principles.

Fact: Microservices can be part of a cloud native architecture but by themselves don’t guarantee an app is cloud native.

Misconception 5: Cloud-Native Development Is Always Faster

Cloud native development can enable faster releases through continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) but adopting a cloud native approach doesn’t automatically mean speed. Without proper management a cloud native development process can become complex and lead to delays.

Fact: While cloud native development can speed up releases, it requires management and a well structured pipeline to be efficient.

Misconception 6: Cloud-Native Is Less Secure

There’s a myth that cloud native apps are less secure because they run on public cloud infrastructure. But with the right security practices—monitoring, secure access controls and regular updates—cloud native apps can be just as secure as traditional apps.

Fact: Cloud native apps can be highly secure if best practices like secure coding, access management and continuous monitoring are followed.

Misconception 7: Cloud-Native Is a One-Time Shift

Some think once they have gone cloud native they are done. In reality cloud native development is a journey. As technology evolves, so should your cloud native strategy. Organizations need to refine their process to stay efficient and competitive continuously.

Fact: Cloud-native development is not a one-time shift but a continuous improvement process.


Cloud native is not where you develop or deploy applications, but how you design them to be scalable, resilient and adaptable. Now you know what cloud native is and what it is not. 

Intercept helps you every step of the way. Whether you’re starting your cloud-native journey or looking to refine your strategy, they work with you to build secure, scalable solutions with Microsoft Azure. 

Get in touch with Intercept to see how they can support your business transformation.

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