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5 Summer Whiskey Drink Recipes You Have to Try

Did you know that whiskey is the most popular alcoholic beverage worldwide? Approximately 63% of American adults love to drink alcoholic beverages like whiskey, especially during the hot summer weather.

However, not everyone knows how to make the best summer whiskey drinks, which is why you’re here! We want to help you out by providing you with some of the best summer whiskey drink recipes that’ll blow your taste buds out of the water.

Ready to learn more? Keep reading and learn everything that you need to know.

1. Kentucky Peach Smash

The Kentucky Peach Smash is a summer whiskey drink recipe you have to try. This delicious recipe blends whiskey, peach liqueur, lemon juice, and honey for a drink that is perfectly packed with flavor. To make this drink, mix the whiskey, peach liqueur, lemon juice, and honey in a shaker filled with ice.

Shake until combined and strain into a glass over fresh ice. The peach flavor is the highlight of this drink, and you can also garnish it with a slice of peach or lemon for an extra punch of sweetness.

If you are looking for flavored whiskey, you can try Kyodie peach whiskey. This has a peach aroma that will surely warm up your summer day.

2. Tennessee Mule

Tennessee Mule is a delicious summer whiskey drink recipe. It refreshingly combines lemon-lime soda, lime juice, and whiskey, Tennessee whiskey. Fill your favorite mug or copper cup with ice and add 1.5 ounces of Tennessee whiskey.

Top it off with 5 ounces of lemon-lime soda. Then, add a squeeze of lime juice before stirring. Garnish the copper cup with a lime wedge to bring out the flavor.

3. Whiskey and Ginger Ale

One of the most popular summer whiskey drinks is whiskey and Ginger Ale. It’s easy to prepare and makes for a refreshing summer drink. To make, fill a glass with ice and pour 1.5 ounces of whiskey.

Then add 4 ounces of ginger ale. For a bit of a zing, add a few lime wedges to the glass. There are a lot of whiskey cocktails you have to try, a light summer cocktail that is perfect to enjoy while relaxing in the sunshine.

4. Strawberry Basil Smash

Strawberry Basil Smash is the perfect summer whiskey drink. This whiskey recipe is simple and flavorful. To make, fill your glass with ice, then muddle 4 fresh strawberries with 1 tablespoon of fresh basil leaves.

Add 1/2 oz of lime juice and 1 1/2 oz of whiskey to the mix, and stir it. Garnish with one more strawberry and a sprig of basil, and you’re good to go.

5. Hot Toddy

A Hot Toddy is a classic whiskey drink recipe that is perfect for summer. It consists of whiskey, water, honey, and a touch of lemon and cinnamon. This warming drink is great on a hot summer day or night.

To make a Hot Toddy, combine whiskey with hot water, honey, a few drops of lemon juice, and a pinch of cinnamon. Stir until the honey has dissolved. Serve in a glass and garnish with an orange slice.

Try These Summer Whiskey Drinks

Summer whiskey drinks are an amazing way to cool off and relax. Kentucky Peach Smash, Tennessee Mule, Whiskey and Ginger Ale, Strawberry Basil Smash, and Hot Toddy, these recipes provide a perfect way to indulge and enjoy the summer.

With a bit of creativity, whiskey can transform a recipe into a delightful summer treat. Try one of these cocktail recipes for you to find out how whiskey can spice up your summer!

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