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4 Tips for Avoiding Arguments with a Bipolar Person

About 4.4% of adults experience bipolar disorder, so it’s not uncommon to know someone who has it. But how do you avoid arguing with a bipolar person?

Building relationships with those who have bipolar disorder can be difficult. Saying the wrong thing can lead to a major argument that can turn the relationship upside down.

However, a healthy relationship with anyone requires both parties to respect one another. By learning how to understand and communicate with a bipolar person, you’ll have no issue keeping things positive between you two.

Read on to get a few tips to improve yourself and your relationship with a bipolar person!

1. Be Aware of Their Triggers

One of the main ways to avoid arguing with a bipolar person is to be aware of what triggers their symptoms.

Bipolar disorder, like many other mental disorders, can often be unpredictable. However, many individuals have various “triggers” that cause their moods to swing. For example, mentioning a negative experience to someone might cause them to get angry.

By understanding what their triggers are, you’ll have a much easier time navigating conversations without upsetting them.

2. Have Compassion

Having compassion is another great way to avoid arguments, but it can be challenging in the heat of the moment.

In the case of bipolar disorder, having compassion is all about understanding that the person can’t completely control the way they feel. Without compassion, you’ll be much more likely to be affected by the things they do and say, which will increase the likelihood of arguing with them.

3. Stay Calm

No matter what kind of conversation you have with someone who has a mental disorder, it’s crucial to stay calm at all times. The simplest way to do this is to breathe deeply and think before you speak.

You can also try focusing on positive things when conversing. Constantly reminding a person with bipolar disorder that things are okay will help them stabilize their mood, making both of you feel much better.

4. Be an Active Listener

Active listening is another major part of having a healthy relationship with someone who has bipolar disorder.

Instead of just listening to the person talk, you should give them your full attention and seek to understand what they’re saying. You should also avoid judging them or giving advice unless it’s necessary.

This will not only help you avoid arguing with them, but you’ll also develop communication skills that will benefit you in various aspects of life.

If you speak to experts at Greywood Health Center, you’ll learn more about how active listening and other communication strategies affect others.

Arguing With a Bipolar Person Is Never Healthy

Regardless of who it is, arguing with a bipolar person usually doesn’t have a positive outcome. Because of this, you should avoid it as much as possible, and this advice will help you do that.

Now that you’ve read this article, start focusing on the way you speak to others. Mental health should be one of your priorities, even if you don’t suffer from a mental disorder, and arguing will only make you stressed.

Start learning more about mental wellness by checking out the rest of our articles!

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