Why Homeowners In The South Are Embracing Solar Panels

The solar industry is thriving with an annual growth of about 33%. Southern states have some of the highest potential for sunlight, but they are just beginning to harness the power of the sun for their own benefit. Although Texas, Arizona and California seem to be adapting to solar energy much quicker than other parts of the country, there are many southern states that could use solar energy to reduce their reliance on electric companies. If you’re considering solar panels Florida, here are some great reasons to jump on the bandwagon.

Rising Energy Costs

Everyone has seen their utility costs increase over the past few years. Although some blame this on the pandemic, it’s simply a part of doing business. Solar panels Virginia minimize your energy expenses by taking you off the grid. In some places, depending on local regulations, you may even be able to resell your excess electricity back to the utility companies. Solar energy is renewable and sustainable. The initial investment might be challenging, but you have to think about it in terms of saving over many years, even decades.

Abundant Sunshine

The South is known for having great weather, which can actually be a burden in the summer. The same sun that lets you enjoy being out on the water or having a picnic in a park heats your home, putting an additional burden on your energy costs. Solar panels are kind of a way of averaging that burden against the benefits of the sun. As more southerners invest in solar power, it will help create jobs and improve the economy in a section of the United States that has a lot of unemployment and people in poverty.

Environmental Benefits

The south is poised for a solar boom, due to its abundant sunshine. In addition to the economic benefits of solar power, solar energy reduces air pollutants, which is good for everyone’s health. Solar power uses much less water than other types of energy, so water quality improves. With less dependence on traditional energy sources, such as coal or natural gas, it could prevent thousands of premature deaths each year. Humans and nature benefit from solar panels. The investment in solar power not only changes your own budget and future, it also offers many benefits to the community where you live.

Solar Power For Businesses and Homes

At one time, solar energy was thought to be unreliable, but the industry is more stable than it was when solar energy was first introduced. The technology is more reliable than ever before. Many institutions are already tapping into solar energy to help save money and protect the environment. Farms, schools, colleges, churches and more are turning to solar energy for all the reasons listed above. Solar prices are falling as the technology has become more mainstream, making it more affordable as an investment in the future. Solar companies Charlotte NC are ready to help you learn more about solar panels and solar energy for use in your home or business.

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