
Leko Durda Discusses Building Better Leaders: Why Community Involvement Matters

Leko Durda says that the weight of the future rests on the shoulders of our upcoming leaders. But where are these leaders cultivated? Ivy League schools? Leadership conferences? While those experiences hold value, a crucial element for nurturing effective leaders often gets overlooked: community involvement.

Why Community? A Training Ground for Real-World Challenges

Leadership isn’t about titles or speeches; it’s about understanding people, identifying needs, and driving positive change. Communities provide a microcosm of the real world, filled with diverse perspectives and challenges. By getting involved, future leaders gain invaluable experiences:

  • Understanding Local Issues: Community involvement exposes individuals to the specific needs and concerns of the people they may one day lead. Volunteering at a homeless shelter or a food bank sheds light on social issues. Working on a neighborhood cleanup project highlights environmental concerns. This firsthand knowledge allows future leaders to prioritize issues and develop solutions that truly resonate with their communities.


  • Developing Empathy and Communication Skills: Working alongside others from different backgrounds fosters empathy and understanding. Future leaders learn to navigate diverse viewpoints and communicate effectively to build consensus and inspire action.


  • Putting Ideas into Action: Community involvement isn’t just about brainstorming; it’s about getting things done. Future leaders learn to translate vision into practical solutions, navigate complex challenges, and collaborate to achieve tangible results.


  • Building Relationships and Networks: Community involvement allows future leaders to connect with mentors, build trust with the public, and establish a strong network of support. These connections prove invaluable when navigating the complexities of leadership roles.

Getting Started: Stepping Up in Your Community

Leko Durda notes that the beauty of community involvement lies in its accessibility. Here are a few ways to get started:

  • Volunteer your time: Soup kitchens, animal shelters, environmental projects – the options are endless. Find a cause you care about and dedicate your time and skills.


  • Join a local board or committee: Many communities have boards that address issues like education, parks and recreation, or economic development. Offer your perspective and help shape local decisions.


  • Organize a community event: Does your neighborhood lack a green space?  Rally your peers to organize a park cleanup or a community garden project.  Take initiative and make a positive impact.

By actively engaging in their communities, our future leaders gain the skills, experience, and empathy needed to tackle the challenges of tomorrow.  So, encourage those around you to step outside, get involved, and become the leaders our communities and world need.

Leko Durda suggests that a future led by individuals who understand the needs of the people they serve can communicate effectively, and are driven to make a positive difference starts by fostering a culture of community involvement, one leader at a time.

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