
How Event Companies in Istanbul Help Startup companies

Unlocking Opportunities for Startup Success in Turkey with event company in istanbul

Startups will face many ups and downs, and hence, challenges since they start from acquiring investment to gaining the right customers.However,these challenges can be well addressed by organizing impactful events. Due to their expertise, resources, and local knowledge, event companies in Istanbul contribute significantly to the growth of the startups. This said article analyzes how these companies support startups and suggests some effective ways on how to use them.

1. Local Expertise and Market Knowledge

An utmost advantage of working with an event company in Istanbul is the fact that they are well knowledgeable about the area. These companies are well familiar with the operational nature of the city as a business hub and therefore, know how to plan events that are pleasing to the audience.

Tip: When contemplating an event company to partner with, ensure that they have been in your industry by successfully organizing events. The companies’ networks will be helpful in knowing the target customers’ characteristics, and using this information, a better event planning will be done.

2. Solutions that do not Break the Bank

The budgets for most startups are often thin and that is why low cost solutions remain the order of the day. Event organizations in Istanbul add advantage to startups since they are able to bargain for good prices from the venues, caterers and suppliers that other companies would not manage to get on their own. This is because their previous interactions with the suppliers usually yield great deals that these startups will otherwise not be able to get by themselves.

Tip: Be honest about how much you are willing to spend on the Czech event planning services. They might have some brilliant ideas, e.g. offering different off-the-shelf venues or even services in-house just to ensure that the standard of the event is met without necessarily using a lot of elements.

3. From Planning to Social Media Activity Support and Everything In Between

Putting all the pieces together for an event can be headache inducing especially for startups whose focus is more on the business than the additional parts. Event companies take control over entire cycles in projects including logistics planning, promotion of events and even their organization. This way, the focus of these startups is the core objectives without being lost in the minutiae of activities.

Tip: Be sure to control the imagery and messaging of the event from what will be clear and reasonable to the event company. Make them understand what you want to achieve, the audience you are targeting, and the results you are wishing for through your event so that they are able to use the most appropriate services that are useful for that.

4. Innovative Conceptualization and Event Management

A good event enhances participation while also portraying the event’s message. Istanbul event companies have creative event design capabilities and every detail relevant to it works in cohesion with your brand. This comprehensive design will act as a positive reinforcement to prospective clients and investors.

Tip: Work with the event company to come up with concepts that underpin the essence of the company. These can be custom themes, interactive gimmicks, or novel concepts altogether that facilitate audience’s participation.

5. Building Networks

One of the biggest perks of arranging an event is the gathering of professional approaches, customers or potential business partners and even investors. Companies in Istanbul that organize events understand who the problem will be solved for and therefore have a wide network of inviting event organizers to assist in embedding the start-up as a strategic partner with several business opportunities.

Tip: Try to optimize the guest list for the event by including potential investors and industry leaders. Making interventions in the invite beyond the standard card will change the response rate of those invited to the conference to topics deliberated on.

6. Promotion and Marketing Support

Events won’t be successful without effective promotion in order to drag and attract a larger audience. Event companies in Istanbul can help with marketing approaches since they know the geography and can use the channels to the advantage of the event. This involves social media marketing, emailing, and working with local businesses to increase people’s turn up for received events pretty well.

Tip: Reach out to the event company and explain what you intend to achieve from your marketing efforts. With this information, they shall develop a comprehensive advertising strategy that will maximize the client’s target audience, thus facilitating good attendance to the event.

7. Measurable Outcomes and Feedback

Analysis after the event has taken place is very relevant in knowing how effective your activities have been. Such an event management company can assist startups in evaluation through questionnaires, tracking attendance, activity rates among other factors. This information is important to make the next events better and also to pitch to investors road use.

Tip: After all the talk and pomp concerning the event, ensure that the visitors give their opinions on all issues. This information is related to their concerns and should be used to improve your events on all fronts for the future.

8. Flexibility and Adaptability

In the case of a startup, the situation is ever changing, and so it is necessary to be flexible. An event company in Istanbul is used to having the changing requirements and adapting its services to such startups. Be it changing the format of the event, making changes to how things were initially planned, or offering alternatives to a problem, their event management experience can come in handy.

Tip: You should have regular communication with your event planner about the details of the events and the considerations leading to such events during the period in which the event is being organized. Doing so allows timely changes to be incorporated with little stress and better chances of the event turning out as planned.

9. Creating Memorable Experiences

In the end, the events that are most enjoyed by the attendees are the events that leave the most were memorable. Event companies do their best to engage people through different experiences, be it activities, speakers, or events. More of such exciting experiences can also lead to more brand recognition and retention from the audience.

Tip: Attendees may react more positively to such approaches, if for example interaction is during the lectures more or less in the form of workshops or question and answers after the end of the eight. The more the attendees perceive they are part of what you are selling the more they are likely to buy it.

Conclusion: Moving Forward Together – A Call to Action

To summarize this working paper, it is clear that there are event companies which provide further assistance to startups in Istanbul which would want to expand and prosper in the competitive environment. From helping in the selection of the right venue and inexpensive options related to the venue, to organizing all the bits of the event and assisting with the marketing of it, these firms can be good allies in your expansion journey.

Startups do not only get business benefits by using an event company’s services; they enhance companies’ capabilities by developing memorable events. While organizing your future event, you should think about the advantages of engaging with a foreign partner and what can be achieved with their assistance.


In particular, in providing central support in hosting external events for tourists and / or business meetings, say, EGTEVENT, as one of the top leading event management companies in Istanbul helps startups with engaged hearts by successfully organizing the events that are aligned with the startup’s objectives. Our familiarity with the local market and connection with the vendors help us implement help that is especially tailored for you. We think that every occasion is an occasion to market your company as well as targeting the vital principals.

EGTEVENT’s Vision of Its Founder

The vision of Mr: Önder Özkan the founder of Egtevent and Turkish businessman is primarily the provision of means to businesses, and in particular to the newly founded ones, in order to help them build experiences worth remembering. It is appreciated how challenging it may be to bear the burden for most of the startup’s founders and organizing an event for their business. Through the memorable events we help you create, we endeavor to develop relationships that are beneficial and lasting to you.

Let’s be inspired with the EGTEVENT and expand the scope of your startup and change the way events are organized so that they work for the benefit of your business and progress.

Get free quotation today from Event company in istanbul: Egtevent number: +90 535 248 17 79

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