Construction Vehicle Accidents: Preventing accidents involving construction vehicles.

One of the most dangerous job duties is considered to be construction. Compared to other industries, the construction sector has a higher injury rate. Falls from a height are the most common cause of death in the construction business, followed by car crashes. If you or someone you know is involved in a construction accident, you should contact the Law Office of Brian P. Azemika

Ways to address accidents involving construction vehicles

Accidents on construction sites are not limited to people working on the project. Several things may give rise to these accidents, including:

  • Living or working in a structure that is currently under construction.
  • Parking close to a structure that is still being constructed.
  • Collisions on roads or highways between automobiles and building machinery.
  • Construction is taking place close to a busy street.

Which Construction Vehicle Types Lead to Accidents?

There is an extensive range of cars, machinery, and equipment on a construction site. They are all possibly harmful if not all of them. However, depending on how the vehicle operates, the damage could vary. Some of the most common construction trucks that cause damage are as follows:

1. Forklift

A forklift is a truck that has a sizable “forked” platform in front that is used for lifting goods from a pallet to different areas of a construction site. Common locations for them include dockyards, warehouses, and construction sites.

Forklifts caused 7,290 accidents and 78 fatalities in 2020 alone. These injuries generally occur when someone is struck, pushed over, or crushed against an object by a forklift. Last but not least, if a heavy object falls and hits someone, a forklift accident can occur.

2. Cranes

Cranes are used to lift large objects to great heights, but when they are not balanced, secured, or maintained correctly, they can cause accidents. Direct collisions from cranes, collapses, and falling payloads can cause severe harm or even fatalities.

3. Excavator

Construction workers often use excavators for excavating, moving earth, and other building jobs due to their vast size and power. Injuries may result from individuals being crushed, hit, or trapped by malfunctioning excavators. Debris that falls from the bucket may seriously harm people.

4. Concrete mixer truck

In addition to operating on-site, concrete mixer trucks’ size and blind areas can make them unsafe on highways. These trucks can cause catastrophic collisions, and their weight of impact can result in severe harm or even death.

Which injuries occur most often in accidents involving construction vehicles?

Construction vehicles may seriously harm people due to their size and strength. Victims of these injuries may have lasting effects. The following are the most common injuries caused by construction vehicles:

  • Bleeding, bruises, and broken bones from blunt collisions
  • Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) and concussions
  • Chemical burns, primarily from fuel
  • Amputation of a limb due to crushing or getting entangled in machinery

What leads to construction vehicle accidents?

After an accident, you may inquire about what went wrong and who was at fault. Determining the cause of the accident may help allocate accountability. Although each construction injury is unique, the following factors might contribute to an accident:

1. Worker Supervision

One or more employees acted improperly or irresponsibly. This may be due to the fact that they lacked adequate training to operate the construction vehicle. In other cases, a supervisor overlooked safety risks.

2. Poor car maintenance

Routine maintenance should always be performed when operating construction vehicles. Construction vehicles have a lot of strain on their parts because they are heavy and work hard. What if the parts of the cars are not replaced, cleaned, and calibrated according to the manufacturer’s instructions? 

What Happens If You Get Hurt By A Construction Vehicle?

Taking care of your well-being is the most important thing to do if a construction truck injures you. You need to speak with a personal injury lawyer about your case as soon as you are stable and recovering.

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