A Survey Conducted by Soul Zhanglu’s Team to Unveil How Gen Z Treats and Views Hobbies


Recently, the CEO and Founder of Soul Zhang Lu got the platform’s research wing to conduct a survey to understand how Gen Z treats and views hobbies. As with all other aspects of life, the findings were markedly different from the hobby-related trends and perceptions of earlier generations. 

For starters, the responses to the questionnaire clarified that thanks to interest-based platforms like Soul, youngsters now have easy access to just about everything needed to nurture the most esoteric of hobbies. This has given rise to a new breed of fringe hobbies which up until now had held the interest of only a few.

In fact, these hobbies are now turning into a global phenomenon all thanks to the keen interest that Gen Z has taken in them. That said, the survey conducted by Soul Zhang Lu’s researchers also highlighted that youngsters are no longer simply picking up hobbies that their friends and family members enjoy. Instead, Zoomers, who are only too willing to try out new things, rely on the internet to learn about hobbies, connect with like-minded folks who have similar interests, and even find supplies needed to enjoy these hobbies.

Since platforms like Soul are built on the central premise of forging and fostering communities based on similar interests, these go a long way in helping youngsters find and enjoy a multitude of hobbies. In terms of the interests that have garnered the attention of Gen Z, the options included hobbies that have stood the test of time such as reading, hiking, and painting, and also new age additions such as squishy toy collectibles, anime-themed merchandise and art, gaming and others.   

The most notable finding from the survey launched by Soul Zhang Lu’s team was that youngsters treat hobbies as more than just a pastime. Interests are taking on a new meaning for Zoomers as they have become tools for personal fulfillment, a ground for social connections, and opportunities for financial gain. 

So, it comes as no surprise that young people are putting more time, energy, and money into their hobbies than previous generations. The investment of these resources is justified by the fact that for Gen Z individuals, interests and hobbies serve as emotional anchors in an otherwise fast-paced, chaotic world. 

This explains why and how a massive 90% of the people who participated in Soul Zhang Lu’s survey said that they had at least one hobby while 70% of the respondents admitted to being hooked on three or more hobbies. These interests are helping youngsters to disconnect from the daily grind and to recharge their emotional batteries. 

Also, emotional well-being and self-expression go hand-in-hand, so for many, hobbies have become a means of defining their personal identity. Hence, Zoomers have no qualms about splurging on their interests.

According to the report from Soul Zhang Lu’s team, the average Zoomer spends around 1,645 yuan per month on hobbies. In fact, Gen Z individuals are quite comfortable setting aside a significant portion of their income—often up to a quarter of their monthly earnings—to indulge in the hobbies they love. This is a profound shift from earlier generations, who typically treated hobbies as side activities and hence it was rare to see a significant investment of resources in such pastimes. 

Interestingly, for many young people, this financial investment is not just about mere consumption. It is tied to emotional fulfillment and self-expression. Moreover, hobbies are not just emotional or financial outlets for Gen Z, they also play a crucial role in fostering social bonds. 

While the internet has given the world access to a treasure trove of knowledge and the gift of hyper-connectivity, to a certain extent, it has led to the erosion of traditional social structures. Gone are the days when digital social connections borrowed from the real-life professional or personal circle of users.

Today, shared interests have become a critical way for young people to connect. This is one of the reasons for the immense popularity of social media apps such as the one that Soul Zhang Lu heads. So, another notable finding from the survey was that on average Zoomers make 5.8 new friends through their hobbies. In fact, 22.7% of the survey participants reported meeting over 10 new friends through their shared passions.

Online platforms like Soul App are central to this trend because they encourage users to find and connect with others who share similar hobbies and create virtual communities where relationships are built around mutual interests. Nearly half of the participants of the survey said that they use Soul App to meet new friends.

What it all boils down to is that hobbies have become the foundation for meaningful relationships in an increasingly atomized world. Also, shared interests help to break down barriers that people would not normally bust through.

For instance, no matter what the hobby, it could be DIY crafts, anime, or hiking; these interests provide a neutral point of conversation and a safe, non-personal yet emotional space where people can engage with one another outside of their usual social groups. This allows for the development of deep, lasting connections, another fact brought out by the report from Soul Zhang Lu’s team. Of the survey respondents, 42.4% said that they maintain friendships with those they meet through their hobbies for a long time, even if those relationships begin with a shared activity.

When all these figures and responses are clubbed together a clear picture emerges which says that hobbies are no longer the inconsequential pastimes they once were. If anything Soul Zhang Lu’s 2024 Gen Z New Interests Report points to a transformative shift in how hobbies are perceived and practiced by young people today. It clarifies that in an increasingly digital and fast-paced world, interests offer Zoomers a way to find balance. Hence, they have become integral to how Gen Z navigates the complexities of modern life.

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