Common Injuries Sustained in Car Accidents


Car accidents can result in fatal injuries and even cause death. The busy roads in Utah make car accidents even more likely to occur.

Different factors contribute to car accidents. For instance, drunk driving, using mobile phones while driving, driving at a high speed, and many other factors.

If a car accident results from negligent behavior of the driver, there can be legal repercussions. However, determining the fault in a car accident has various considerations.

To give you an example, let us say there was a car crash; now, depending upon whose negligence led to the accident, the fault will be determined.

Furthermore, at times, lousy infrastructure can also lead to accidents. A car accident attorney Utah can help if the case makes it to the court.

There are times when both parties come to a mutual agreement, but at other times, legal actions might be needed.

Therefore, in order to seek rightful compensation for the injuries and other damages, an injury attorney can be significantly helpful.

What are the possible negligent behaviors that can lead to car accidents?

In case of negligent behavior leading to a car accident, you can always file for a car accident claim. Let us look at some of these errors:

  • Not obeying traffic laws and regulations.
  • Defects in the car.
  • Adverse weather conditions and not taking note of it beforehand.
  • Driving under the influence of some substance.
  • Excess fatigue of the driver
  • Driving at a very high speed

What are the common injuries in car accidents?

There are two categories in which injuries can be divided, namely impact and penetrating injuries.

Impact injuries are concerned with an injury that a person gets by hitting some inside part of the part during a collision.

On the other hand, penetrating injuries refer to injuries that a person receives from some object that may come out from its place during the crash.

Some of the common injuries are briefly discussed below:

1. Spinal cord injuries

If a person sustains an injury to their spinal cord, it calls for immediate medical attention.

There are times when your spinal cord gets affected, but you may not feel anything at the time of the accident.

It may start to hurt or cause problems after some time. Therefore, it is always better to go to the hospital after an accident, whether you feel the injury is minor or not.

It Is always better to be safe than sorry. By running tests, a doctor can tell if your spinal injury or any other organ is damaged and needs treatment or not.

2. Traumatic Brain Injuries

TBI, short for Traumatic Brain Injuries, can also be caused by a car accident.

The injury is sustained by the cells in your brain and can have a severe impact on a person’s overall functioning.

If your head hits the window or the steering wheel or any other part during the collision, go for the checkup immediately.

The sooner you will get a checkup, the better it is for you. Sometimes, TBI can go unnoticed as they may not appear right after the accident, just like in Spinal Cord Injuries.

3. Injuries to chest or neck.

They are pretty standard when taking place during a car accident. When a collision happens, a person usually experiences a jerk in the forward direction.

It can cause injuries or bruises to the chest area from the seatbelt or steering wheel.

A person should not take these injuries lightly; injury to the chest can even lead to death in the worst cases. Your neck can get injuries and bruises as well.

Contact an injury lawyer for legal assistance!

While it is essential to deal with the injuries right after the accident, the costs can be a lot.

In order to receive some financial relief, a claim can be made when the other party is at fault. An attorney can help in the entire legal process.

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