CT DOT Motorcycle Safety Guidelines to Help Protect Riders From Crashes

The warm season is here, and it is that time of the year when you can expect to see many motorcycles on the road. Unfortunately, it is also the season that most motorcycle-related accidents occur, most of which don’t end well for the riders and other road users involved. According to the Connecticut Department of Transportation (CT DOT), there were 68 motorcycle fatalities, the highest number the state has ever recorded in 30 years. As a result, this year, the department is on a public sensitization mission to ensure that the state doesn’t see a repeat of last year’s numbers.

Major Causes of Motorcycle Accidents

Drivers are generally not on the lookout for motorcycles, and their eyes and minds are usually on other cars on the road. With the motorcycle being relatively smaller than a car, it is easy not to notice it increasing the chances of colliding with one. The size difference between cars and motorcycles also makes riders more prone to a risk of injuries or even death in case of an accident. Those who have been involved in such an accident should seek medical assistance immediately and get in touch with a reputed lawyer, like Felix Gonzalez, to maximize their chances of obtaining fair compensation and justice.

According to Nicholas Just, the CT DOT’s highway safety program manager, speed plays a significant role in fatal crashes. Speeding is not only a problem with car drivers. Motorcycle riders are also notorious for speeding. Considering that the only level of protection for a rider is their helmet and their riding suit, high-speed collisions have a very high chance of being fatal or resulting in catastrophic injuries.

Today, the law dictates that every rider should get a motorcycle license endorsement before getting on the road on a motorcycle. A driver must take a motorcycle safety class offered by CT DOT at their various offices and other private locations to get the endorsement. If you are hoping to get a motorcycle endorsement on your license, you may need to contact CT DOT for directions on nearby facilities where you could take the classes.

Drivers Have a Responsibility 

While the responsibility of staying safe on the road for riders ultimately rests on the riders themselves, drivers are also responsible for ensuring they are not the reason motorcyclists are not safe on the road. According to the CT DOT, there are a few things you can do as a driver to ensure motorcyclists’ safety, like being intentional with checking your blind spots for motorcyclists before making a turn. Also, ensure that you always signal correctly before turning or changing lanes. While a motorcycle is smaller than a car, they are entitled to an entire lane, so you will need to overtake on a different lane even when you could fit in their lane. Overtaking a rider in their lane is not only dangerous but is also illegal.

Riding In the Dark Is Riskier

Riding after dark significantly increases the chances of a motorcyclist getting into an accident, but drivers can help motorcyclists stay safe on the road after dark by keeping their high-beam lights off when they see a motorcycle approaching. Most motorcycles have self-canceling turn signals, but if you notice one that drives for a more-than-average distance with an activated signal, you may want to drive cautiously around them and only turn or overtake when you are sure they do not intend to turn. 

Riders can also take a number of steps to ensure that they stay safe on the road they share with other vehicles and pedestrians. The most important step of all is following traffic rules diligently, like all other road users are expected to. Besides adhering to traffic rules, having proper protective gear, such as a helmet and a motorcycle-riding suit, can also make a big difference.


It’s a well-known fact that motorcyclists are more vulnerable on the road thanks to their significantly smaller size and reduced protection. However, following the best practices laid out by transportation authorities like the CT DOT goes a long way toward minimizing the chances of accidents. Being cautious and responsible, while knowing about the mistakes to avoid can help protect them as well as others on the road.

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