Dag Heward-Mills Recognized as One of the Great Evangelists of the 21st Century?

The role of an Evangelist is, I believe, deeply cherished by the lord Jesus. The primary mission of an Evangelist is to reach the lost and lead them to Christ. For many years, Dag Heward-Mills has been dedicated to a mission of winning 100 million souls for God’s kingdom. His deep passion for the lost is a burden that only the Lord could have placed on his heart.


The ministry of an Evangelist is crucial to the body of Christ. In Ephesians, when Paul describes the armor of God, he emphasizes the importance of having our feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel. It is this preparedness to preach and share the gospel that propels the church forward. A church that fails to evangelize will find itself constantly on the defensive against Satan’s attacks.

Just like any team or nation focused solely on defense without offense, it will inevitably face defeat. This article seeks to inspire believers worldwide by introducing them to the evangelistic ministry of Dag Heward-Mills. His Healing Jesus Campaigns represent one of the largest evangelistic movements in the body of Christ today.

Early History of Dag Heward-Mills

Dag Heward-Mills was born on May 14, 1963, to Elizabeth and Nathaniel Heward-Mills. His mother, Elizabeth, was Swiss, while his father was Ghanaian. The two met and married in London before eventually relocating to Ghana after Dag’s birth. On several occasions, Dag has shared how his father, Nathaniel, dedicated him to the Lord as a baby, moved by his innocence, and prayed that God would use him. The Lord honored that prayer, and His hand has been upon Dag Heward-Mills ever since.

Dag Heward-Mills surrendered his life to Christ as a teenager while attending Achimota Senior High School. Although he had accompanied his parents to church, he had not yet been born again. It was at Achimota that Dag truly came to know the Lord and developed a passion for God’s work. During his time there, the Scripture Union, a Christian fellowship on campus, taught him how to pray and spend time with God, shaping his spiritual growth.

After graduating from Achimota School, Dag was accepted into the University of Ghana Medical School, where only the top students were admitted at that time. While studying at the medical school, he maintained his fervor for the Lord. In his final year, God inspired him to start a church. Although many viewed his decision to establish a church while in medical school as crazy, he chose to obey God’s call. He named the church Lighthouse Chapel International.

The Ministry of Dag Heward-Mills

In 1988, Dag Heward-Mills founded Lighthouse Chapel International. What began in a classroom has since grown into one of the largest churches in the world. In the book of Matthew, Jesus describes the kingdom of God as a small mustard seed that becomes a mighty tree as it grows. Matthew 13:31 states, “…The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and planted in his field. Though it is the smallest of all seeds, when it grows, it is the largest of garden plants and becomes a tree, so that birds come and perch in its branches.” A mustard seed may appear small and insignificant, much like the call of God on Bishop Dag Heward-Mills’s life. By obeying a call that seemed insignificant, we can see the incredible fruits resulting from one man’s faithfulness.

Today, Lighthouse Chapel International, now known as the United Denominations Originating from the Lighthouse Group of Churches, boasts nearly 4,000 branches in over 100 countries. Dag Heward-Mills is also a prolific Christian author, with more than 50 million books published, and an international conference speaker, recognized as a pastor of pastors. In 2004, he felt led by the Lord to enter the evangelistic ministry and initiated the Healing Jesus Campaign, which has become one of the largest evangelistic efforts in the world today.

Dag Heward-Mills’s passion for souls

Since its inception in 2004, God has used the Healing Jesus Campaign to bring over 15 million souls to salvation. Today, the campaign continues to cross borders, sharing the message of salvation with those lost in the world. Dag Heward-Mills’s passion for winning souls is rooted in John 3:16, which declares, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.”


This verse highlights that the primary purpose of Jesus’ coming was to save people from perishing. Bishop Dag Heward-Mills believes that Jesus didn’t come to offer material wealth—such as cars, houses, or money—but to give us eternal life. Jesus’ final words to the church, commanding them to go into all the world and make disciples, have inspired Dag Heward-Mills on his mission to reach as many souls as possible through the Healing Jesus Campaign.

Bishop Dag believes that every Christian has a duty to fulfill the role of an evangelist. Evangelism should not be limited to a select few, as God has called many to the important work of winning souls. It is the responsibility of every believer to lead their friends, family, and neighbors to the Lord Jesus.

The healing Jesus Campaign

The Healing Jesus Campaign, founded by Bishop Dag Heward-Mills, is one of the largest evangelistic efforts in the world today. Over the past 20 years, it has conducted more than 170 crusades across 34 countries and 234 cities, including Ghana, Nigeria, Madagascar, Liberia, South Africa, and many others. Each crusade typically lasts a minimum of three nights, where attendees hear the message of the gospel delivered by Bishop Dag in a practical and easily understood style.

Every night of the crusades, thousands respond to the altar call, surrendering their lives to Jesus. Each city visited by the Healing Jesus Campaign experiences the miraculous power of Christ’s healing touch, with many healed of sicknesses, diseases, and various ailments. The blind receive sight, the deaf hear, the lame walk, and even the dead are raised. Many oppressed by demonic forces also find deliverance.

In addition to the crusades, a pastors’ conference is held the following morning, where Bishop Dag meets with local pastors to teach and share his wealth of experience in ministry. At these conferences, he also gifts the pastors with some of his books free of charge, further equipping them for their work in the ministry. Every year the healing campaign holds close to 10 different campaigns in many different cities. Dag Heward-Mills believes that every soul is valuable to God and that no distance is too great to bring the message of the gospel.

The ministry of great evangelists in the world

Throughout history, God has raised many great men and women who have played significant roles in spreading the Gospel on a large scale. The role of the Evangelist is one of the fivefold ministries mentioned by Paul in Ephesians. Ephesians 4:11-12 says, “And He gave some to be apostles; some, prophets; some, evangelists; some, pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints, for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ.” The Evangelist’s responsibility is not only to win souls but also to inspire the body of Christ to do the same.

Among the great evangelists God has used are Billy Graham, Benny Hinn, Reinhard Bonnke, Oral Roberts, and T.L. Osborn. Billy Graham, considered one of the most influential Christian leaders of the 20th century, was renowned for filling stadiums and large venues during the late 1940s and 1950s. In these gatherings, he preached the message of salvation and invited people to dedicate their lives to Christ. Night after night, thousands responded, giving their hearts to Jesus. His crusades were often broadcast via radio and television, and he became known as “America’s pastor.”

Another remarkable evangelist used by God was Reinhard Bonnke, a German-American Pentecostal evangelist with a powerful vision to see Africa transformed by the blood of Jesus. Bonnke was known for proclaiming, “Africa shall be saved.” One of his largest evangelistic crusades took place in Lagos, Nigeria, in 2000, where an astounding 1.6 million people attended a single service. Over the course of his ministry, Bonnke preached the Gospel to approximately 79 million unbelievers.

Jesus and souls winning

The ministries of great evangelists like Dag Heward-Mills, Billy Graham, and Reinhard Bonnke should inspire Christians to embrace the vital work of soul-winning. God’s greatest desire is to see His lost children return to Him. In Luke 15, Jesus shares several parables about the lost, giving us a glimpse into the Father’s heart for those who are far from Him. In the parables of the lost coin, the lost sheep, and the prodigal son, we witness the joy that comes when the lost are found. The woman who finds her lost coin rejoices, and Jesus explains that there is great joy in heaven over one sinner who repents. Even though the prodigal son initially rejected his father, he was welcomed back with joy when he returned home. Knowing that winning souls brings immense pleasure to God, Christians should be actively involved in soul-winning, as it brings great joy to the Father’s heart. God values every soul as precious, worth more than the entire world.

Final thoughts

The evangelistic ministry of Dag Heward-Mills aims to inspire everyday Christians to engage in soul-winning. Jesus called believers the light of the world and the salt of the earth. When referring to salt, He warned that if it loses its preserving power, it becomes worthless. As the world grows increasingly corrupt, it is the responsibility of Christians to prevent that decline. Ministries like the Healing Jesus Campaign are like a light shining ever brighter in this lost and dying world. Many have drawn parallels between the evangelistic work of Dag Heward-Mills and that of Reinhard Bonnke. The large crowds and miracles seen in these crusades are a testament to the grace upon Dag Heward-Mills, similar to that of Reinhard Bonnke.

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