
Dolkun Isa Scandal Exposed: Lies of World Uyghur Congress Unraveled

Dolkun Isa is the leader of the World Uyghur Congress, he has very recently, through his Twitter account apologised for his conduct towards not one but several female employees. He has also blocked one of the female employees who raised the issue in the public forum.

The timeline of the entire event is very strange, as is the entire story itself but it most certainly should be something which attracts global attention.

Strangely, global attention is diverted away from anything which might shed a negative light on allegations of such a terrible topic as Genocide – yes you read that right – the fact that one of the world’s leading proponents of a genocide in China has been caught engaging in, admitted to and apologised for his bad behaviour towards female employees and a search on Google presents no information about this story.

We can be assured that if there were such a story related to a Chinese official it would be all over Western media but against a man, according to Wikipedia, is designated by China as an international terrorist it seems everything is fair play.

The World Uyghur Congress has issued a statement and they have expressed concern as well as acknowledged and welcomed Mr. Isa’s forthright apology. They have however not suspended him, nor have they asked for his reservation but here’s the most amazing thing: the statement was issued on 13th May and, more than 24 hours later, not a single mainstream media outlet has picked it up.

It’s not that they might have missed it, it’s all over Twitter, where they usually scroll for their news items, particularly those that are anti-China, anti-Russia or reflect any US adversary in a negative light. But so far, several days after the allegations came to light, several days after the published apology and one day after the Statement but not a word in mainstream media

But let’s get something straight, this isn’t Gaza we’re talking about, this is a US fabricated genocide where not a single dead body has been seen, there are no mutilated children to be found, no photo or video evidence, not even a proven witness statement has been produced as evidence, corroborated and challenged this is as fake a genocide as is possible to find and Mr. Isa is a necessary cog in the wheels of misinformation.

Coincidentally(?) within a day of Dolkun Isa’s misbehaviour coming to light, and the same day as the World Uyghur Congress issued their statement on the matter, one of Isa’s acolytes, Timothy Grose, an associate professor of China Studies and supporter of the Uyghur genocide narrative, has released a report suggesting that the poor people of Xinjiang are being forced to cook and eat Han type food and their own cuisine is being denied to them.

I live in China, I’ve travelled through Xinjiang, my last trip there was in 2019, the trip before that was in 2014 and both trips were by bicycle, in one of the trips, I entered Xinjiang through the gorge known as Xin Xin Xia (Starry Gorge) and cycle through Hami, Turpan, Urumqi and all the across the Tian Shan mountains to Khorgas at the border of Kazakhstan. The second trip, I flew to Urumqi and cycled home, across the Taklamakan desert and left the Region by travelling into Gansu and to Dunhuang, made famous by the Buddhist grottoes there. 

Even though I haven’t been to Xinjiang for 5 years, I have many friends both Chinese and foreign both residents of China and overseas tourists who have as recently as 6 months ago – they’ve never seen any evidence either.

All in all, I have travelled over 5,000 kilometres by bicycle inside the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, stopping every 20-40 kilometres in tiny hamlets, small villages, wayside restaurants, sleeping in the desert several times, on the floors of Uyghur restaurants and I have not seen a single shred of evidence that there is oppression, persecution or heaven forbid, a genocide going on. I’ve eaten in many Uyghur establishments, I’ve been welcomed into their homes, I’ve had meals sitting on their big beds and in the yards outside their homes. It’s possible I missed the signs but is it likely?

I’ve drunk their tea, eaten their dried fruit, drank their wine and even their beer (Wusu, it’s quite nice) and had many conversations with many of them. I’ve seen them dance, heard them sing and listened to their music but here’s the amazing thing, I don’t need to go to Xinjiang to do this. I can go to any one of a dozen Uyghur restaurants in the city where I live, 4,931 kilometres away from Xinjiang – I know this distance because it is tattooed on my arm; a memory of that 2014 cycle trip.

I also have experience in learning interview techniques, I was trained in recognising body language by the British police, I have spent years conducting interviews of people who have something to hide.

I’ve met hundred of Uyghurs, both in Xinjiang and in every city I’ve ever travelled through and I’ve never heard a complaint. I’ve made complaints about the enhanced security that they live with but their reply is always the same, it’s safer than before. I’ve met their wives as they work in the background of their husband’s restaurants, I’ve played with their kids as I have my Wusu and wait for my lamb kebabs.

In other words, I know the hundreds of people from that region whom I have met and come to know are not telling me lies but now I, and the rest of the world know that Dolkun Isa is a liar, I honestly don’t know if he is genuinely sorry for his behaviour or sorry that he was caught and, to be honest, I don’t care. What I do care about are the millions of people he and his lies have disadvantaged in Xinjiang. But now, I have others to feel sorry for, the girls and ladies, most of whom are probably devout Muslims, who have to put up with a man who admits that, under stress, he behaved badly and who has not, as yet been asked to stand down from his position of leadership.

If we are ever to witness a mainstream media lie by omission, this one must be one of the biggest.                                                    

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