How to Help Your Child Adjust to Invisalign?

Introducing any kind of orthodontic treatment to your child can be a battle. They will most likely restrict undergoing the treatment, fearing the pain and discomfort that will come with it. However, you can’t brush aside something that’s medically required.

So, when it comes to getting your child adjusted to Invisalign for kids, there are certain factors that you have to keep into consideration. The last thing you want is to push them and force them into doing something that they don’t want to do.


To make things easier to understand, we have sorted you a few effective strategies that you can implement to get your child used to wearing Invisalign.

Educate your child and set expectations

One of the reasons why children are so afraid of undergoing orthodontic treatments is due to the lack of information. They are either misinformed or they don’t have enough insights about the treatment they will undergo. The easiest way to eradicate that fear is by educating them about it.

Establish a routine

When it’s early on after the procedure, things can be a little rough to go through with the child. They might resent adjusting to the Invisalign. The easiest way to streamline that is by establishing a routine. What you can do is create a routine that involves wearing and caring for the Invisalign and encouraging your child to do things by themselves.

Encourage communication

If you are reprimanding your child from the beginning, they are less likely to come to you when they are confused or uncomfortable with their Invisalign. This is what you need to stop and instead assure your kid that it’s okay if things aren’t feeling comfortable right off the bat. Encourage them to share their discomfort and their thoughts and find solutions to address those concerns.

Celebrate milestones

Another effective way to keep your child motivated is by celebrating milestones. You don’t have to do a lot. Instead, if it’s been one week since your child has gotten their Invisalign, celebrate that with them. This enables them to see the situation in a positive light and allows them to embrace the change.

Address the challenges

Getting Invisalign is never an easy task. It is painful and often a lot more uncomfortable than many people would like to believe. So, if you find issues like speech issues, discomfort, or even swelling and pain, address those situations promptly.

Adjusting to a brand-new medical necessity is never easy for a child. If you are having a hard time getting your child to adjust to Invisalign, it is mandatory that you follow all the tips that we have mentioned in detail in this guide.

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