How to Make Music on a Laptop

Many people think that you need an expensive home studio set-up to make music. Nothing could be further from the truth. Today, everything can be managed from a laptop. Plus, thanks to modern software, you don’t need to be a sound engineer to edit the track. Let’s look at some simple ways you can get started making music on a laptop.

Gather Your Equipment

The best place to start is by choosing your Digital Audio Workstation (DAW). This is what you will use to capture and edit your audio. The good news is that there is a huge range of DAWs for you to choose from. As always, it’s best to consider your needs. For example, what is your budget and level of experience? It’s best to pick something that comes with a free trial. Allowing you to experiment and see if you like the interface before you commit to a purchase.

Next, it’s time to consider how you are going to record your instruments. This will require an audio interface. This is what you plug your instruments into. The audio interface will connect to your DAW, allowing you to record the music electronically. You can also use a MIDI keyboard. This tool will replicate the sounds of any instrument. Or you can use a MIDI pad, which allows you to determine when a sound effect is triggered.

The next thing to consider is the type of laptop you are going to use. Ordinary laptops might not be able to run the DAW software properly. Or they might not have enough memory to store large audio files. Plus, you need to consider the user experience, getting a laptop that is durable enough to last for years. This article will help you find the best laptop for music production.

This list of equipment might seem long. But once you’ve finished making this investment, you will have everything you need to make music. Plus, since you are using a laptop, you can record tracks from anywhere in the world.

Start Planning Your Song

Now it’s time to decide what you want your song to be like. There are dozens of songwriting techniques that you can explore. Some people like to play around until they find a catchy melody. Others write the lyrics first and then create the music later. If you are finding struggling to get inspiration, you can try playing around with the DAW. Listen to some of the musical loops and pre-programmed sounds. Maybe one of those could inspire you and serve as the backbone for your track. As you get more experienced, you’ll soon come up with a songwriting approach that works for you.

Record Your Song

Now comes the fun part. It’s time to record your song. Again, there are lots of ways that you can do this. Some people have a band, so all the instruments can be played at the same time. If you are a solo performer, you will need to build a layered track. For example, you might want to start with a base of drums or an interesting loop. From there, you can add in harmonies with the other instruments and finish by recording your vocals over the top.

Edit And Export

Once you have all the components, it’s time to put them together. This is why editing is so important. You’ll be able to take over the sound mixing, deciding how loud each instrument is played. Or you might want to add some sound effects, like sirens. A good DAW will make this process a lot easier. 

Once you are happy with everything, it’s time to export the track. This will take all the individual tracks and put them into a single WAV file. From there, you can share it with friends and family or upload it to a music platform like Spotify.


Creating music at home is easier than ever. All you need is the right equipment and a little know-how. Hopefully, this quick guide has given you the inspiration to record your songs and share them with the world.

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