Reggie London Attorney: Miranda Rights Guide


The Miranda Rights are a set of guidelines designed specifically for people who have been arrested by law enforcement. These rights are also called Miranda Warnings, which are made to maintain a fair criminal justice system. Reggie London Attorney claims that these are meant to protect individuals in police custody from making mistakes and self-incriminating while questioning and interrogating. Let’s discuss everything about Miranda rights, what they include?, why it is important to know them?, etc:

Which rights does it include?

Miranda rights are strictly meant for people in police custody. The officers should inform them of these rules and Reggie London Attorney rights while making an arrest and taking individuals into custody, and these include:

  • Right to remain silent

The person who has been arrested has the right to remain silent and cannot be forced to speak by the officers. The arrested individual may refuse to answer any questions asked by law enforcement.

  • Right to an attorney

The individual has the right to have an attorney present during questioning and interrogation. An attorney will be provided to them if they are not able to afford one. The person who was arrested will not be charged for these appointed lawyers if they qualify.

  • Their statements can be used against them in court.

Any statement the person who was arrested made while being questioned cannot be used as evidence against them in court.

When do officers have to explain these rights?

Officers should explain these Miranda rights when they arrest an individual or take them into custody. To make sure the person being arrested understands and is aware of their rights, the officers read these rights in front of them like a script. Officers should explain to you these rights before interrogation and questioning.

Why are these rights important?

Miranda rights are important because they help to maintain the justice system and ensure that arrested individuals do not make any mistakes or problematic steps that can cause trouble for them. This means these are meant for the security purposes of arrested individuals and aim to safeguard them. Until these guidelines and rights are explained to a person, no statement they make can be used as evidence in court. 

When are these applicable?

Miranda rights are applicable during custody, interrogation, and the questioning process. This means they are applicable when an individual is denied freedom and action.

  • Custody:  Custody refers to the situation when an individual is arrested, kept in prison, and denied freedom.


  • Interrogation: Interrogation refers to the process of questioning, to obtain incriminating information from the arrested individual.

Before reading Miranda rights, can police ask questions?

Yes, police officers can ask questions before reading Miranda rights in front of individuals. Miranda warnings are applicable when you are under police custody or interrogation. According to Reggie London Attorney, if the officers did not give these warnings or rights, statements made by the subject during questioning and interrogation cannot be used as evidence in court. However, if you are not under custody or under interrogation, then these rights are not necessary.

How do I apply these rights?

It is necessary for the arrested individual to understand these rights to safeguard themselves from law enforcement. The individual should avoid being aggressive and must stay calm. Individuals can remain silent, which refers to expressing their intent. The individual can request a lawyer or attorney and not give any answer until the lawyer is appointed. At this point, the police officers cannot ask any questions of you until they appoint a lawyer to handle your case from your side.

The case will be dismissed if the officer fails to inform Miranda rights?

The answer is no. If officers fail to tell the arrested individual about Miranda rights, it doesn’t mean that the case will be dismissed; rather, it states that they cannot take any forceful actions against you. In this situation, the court will look into various factors, study your case, and then take the necessary actions. But your statements can be used against you as evidence until the rules are told to you. It is advisory to take suggestions from the lawyer a this regard.


In conclusion, Miranda rights play a vital role in the safety of individuals who are under police interrogation. It ensures that individuals are aware of the legal and constitutional rights available to safeguard themselves during officer interactions. Reggie London Attorney concluded that if any individual comes under police interrogation, Miranda rights are applicable there to ensure justice, and it is necessary to take advice from a professional lawyer and attorney.

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