Solving a New Jersey Addiction Problem

Drug and substance addiction continues to be a nationwide problem. Whether it’s fentanyl abuse in San Francisco or Portland, opioids in Florida or alcoholism in New York, addiction continues to negatively impact careers, lives and people related to the addicted person as well. New Jersey is no exception to the addiction problem, and families from all backgrounds and demographics are affected. What has for decades been considered a “big city” issue can now be found in every town, neighborhood and street. As a result, New Jersey has been realizing a groundswell of change in how addiction is addressed and treated today versus previous years.

In-Patient Treatment Makes the Most Sense

For addiction treatment in New Jersey, like many other jurisdictions, works best with an in-patient approach. Due to the fact that addiction is oftentimes reinforced by the person’s home, work or social environment, a clean break at the beginning of the healing process is essential. Otherwise, patients frequently fall back to old habits as soon as they complete treatment and go back to their former environment.

Why In-Patient Has Such an Impact

With an in-patient approach, the patient is immediately separated from known influences and factors. That can also mean temporary separation from family, but even that makes a big difference. At this initial point, much of the attention is on medical treatment for withdrawal symptoms and getting through the initial separation from the drug or substance on an ongoing basis. From there, as the patient recovers onsite, then counseling and behavior modification begins, especially due to the fact that the addiction has changed the brain’s chemistry which needs to be retrained again for independence.

Look for Full Care

Ideally, a New Jersey drug rehab center should operate as a 24/7 medical care facility, not limited hours or weekdays only. If it is the latter, that’s really a hybrid or outpatient clinic only. Again, for significant addiction recovery, inpatient requires a full, round-the-clock approach to break the addiction completely and begin a full recovery with long-term support.

Once a patient has completed the initial phase of physical withdrawal treatment, then they transition right into a counseling treatment phase without interruption. Again, the goal here is to provide significant support versus allowing a gap of care to occur, and recidivism kicks in, repeating the addiction all over again.

Recovery Shouldn’t be a Hamster Wheel Process for a Patient

Treatment doesn’t need to be an endless process that has no light at the end of the tunnel, nor does it need to be a bureaucratic maze. Confusion is the last thing a patient needs when coming out of an addiction and needing help to find their way again. The success key sits in finding the right addiction treatment programs that puts healing and recovery as a top priority. It provides effective help, an achievable goal, and most importantly, real results.

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