Stock Market Crashes: Lessons Learned from History

Stock exchange is believed to be an economic indicator showing investors’ attitudes as well as companies’ condition. However, the truth is that it can just be erratic, volatile and can dip drastically and within shocking crashes that impact investors so much. It is, therefore, instrumental to comprehend these occurrences and the knowledge they provide on future market fluctuations.

Historical Context

Stock market has gone through several crashes with each crash having its own story but the underlying factor to all of them. Some examples are the global depression that took place in1929, the burst of the technology, media and telecommunication stocks in 2000 and the world financial crisis of 2008. All these calamities led to great losses to shareholders, rampant dumping, and long aftermaths.

Such was the case of the crash that took place in 1929, for example due to utilization and speculation on stocks, and leverage. In it, people invested their money borrowing some of it because they expected the price of the stocks to keep rising. When prices started to drop there was increased cases of selling off stocks in the market due to panic. This crash led to the great depression we see, proving how much the stock market is in sync with some other economic conditions and how many FIIs(Foreign Institutional Investors) and DIIs(Domestic  Institutional Investor)

Lessons Learned

1.  Avoid Speculation and Over-Leverage

Another beneficiary of another’s efforts is yet again the lesson which is learned from most historical crashes, to the effect that it pays not to speculate in the stock market. To the extent that investors acquire shares blindly by reading to the hype rather than the fundamentals, they make bubbles. The dot-com bubble is one of the best examples when companies with no revenue whatsoever enjoyed the increasing prices of their stocks. This bubble is a very clear, simple process to explain: when people opened their eyes, the bubble burst and the losses began.manba finance ipo allotment status

Over leveraging which is borrowing money to finance an investment also raises the risk factor. Stock buyers must be careful and should not borrow too much money in order to buy their stocks. A prudent approach is more about value creation than about trying to obtain obscene profit within the shortest time possible.

2.  Diversification is Key

A second important lesson is that of diversification. Investing in multiple stocks or focusing on the particular field would go up in flames during such a period. The 2008 financial crisis was a good example, where most investors put their bets on real estate and mortgage backed securities and were completely wiped out when the property market came tumbling down.

This means that to minimize risk investors should diversify their portfolio from stocks and bonds to real estates, foreign markets among others. It recommended to keep all eggs in one basket and preserve more stable rates being an invulnerable experience of the market crisis and fluctuations.

3.  Emotional Discipline

That is why it is stated that people tend to make wrong decisions as a result of appearing with emotional reactions to market movements. The two emotions can lead investors to make the wrong decision; during downturns, fear makes investors sell their stocks at a loss while greed makes them buy stocks that are on the rise. During the 2008 crisis, most investors made the mistake of selling their shares and stocks and what could have been prevented by patient behavior.

It is therefore important that there is growth of emotional discipline. This is wishes and goals of investments, having a plan and strategy in place, and not acting based on events in the market. Being aware and keeping concentration on the long terms goals should help investors better face a stormy weather.

4.  The Importance of Research and Education

Knowledge about market fundamental is essential for investment purposes. Some investors have been greatly surprised during previous crash situations because they did not know much about the economic factors and market trends. Further education regarding the existing flows, economic state, and other instruments can only assist investors in making correct decisions.

5.  Cyclical Nature of Markets

Last but not least, it should also be stressed that it is business cycles that are the main characteristic of markets. In every case, the records also present the fact that recovery is bound to happen after a crash. The market just quite some times to recover and they may eventually set new higher highs. If one gets worried at the wrong times they will miss out big chances when things are on the upside. Evaluations of stocks require patience and a long-term view making these two qualities key to successful investment.


stock market news crashes are scary but they are also very important times for any investor to learn and grow from. Therefore, no speculation, over-leverage, emotional responses, and ignorance of stock market cycles are achievable only through diversification of investment portfolios, education, and ultimate rational behavior with no triggers. Therefore, the fundamental concept here is the ability to understand and be ready to deal with all aspects of the future market risks involved when investing, as well as gains that such investment shall accrue in future.

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