The Benefits of A Giant 5ft Teddy Bear For Your Child’s Development


Can a teddy bear help with a child’s development? Adding a 5ft teddy bear to your child’s life can help with their development in many different ways.

It has long been recognised that plush toys and cuddly friends can help a child’s development.

Teddy bears have for a long time been important companions to children.  In our increasingly digital age, it is vital that we don’t lose sight of the role teddy bears have to play in our lives.

How A Lifesize Teddy Bear Can Help with Your Child’s Development

Teddy bears play all sorts of roles in children’s lives. Let’s find out why it is important a child has a large teddy bear.

Development and Early Speech

Did you know that many children who have teddy bears have a better vocabulary from an early age?

Having a teddy bear gives them someone to talk to. Many children love to talk to their teddy bears when they are alone.

This means even when you are not there, or their friends have gone home, they have someone to talk to. This habit leads to a better vocabulary at an early age.

Some children read better from an earlier when they have a teddy bear. When they have a large teddy bear, they can curly up in their bear’s lap and read them a story. This is a great way to improve reading skills.

Stressful Situations

Just like adults, children experience stressful situations.

Children don’t always find it easy to express feelings of stress and anxiety. Instead, they may cry or even throw a tantrum.

Cuddling a large lifesize teddy bear quickly makes a child feel better. Although it is not a way of replacing human interaction, it is a great way of letting a child nurture feelings of personal comfort and security.

Perhaps having a human size teddy bear can help your child cope better with nightmares during the night.

Fostering Emotional Skills

A huge teddy bear can also help your child to foster their emotional and communication skills.

Many children feel close to their bears. They think of them as real and love doing this like giving them names.

If your child seems to have a close relationship with his or her bear, and perhaps give them a name, you should encourage this. It proves your child is beginning to respect others and develop the emotional skills they are going to need in life.

Positive Creativity and Imagination

Imagination and creativity are two factors that go hand in hand in a child’s life.

All parents like to encourage creativity and stimulate their child’s imagination.

Once you have got started, this is something most children manage to do of their own accord.

The question is if children’s imagination is stimulated more when playing with other children or on their own? There is a school of thought which seems to indicate children’s imagination and creativity are stimulated more when they play in their rooms.

In fact, playing with a large 5ft teddy bear may stimulate your child’s imagination and creativity more than when playing with their friends.

Many very intelligent adults seem to have spent time on their own. Certainly, many of our greatest authors and writers played with toys rather than with other children.

Confidence Boosting Bears

It is not clear why yet, but it seems having a big size or small size teddy bear may boost your child’s confidence.

Perhaps it has something to do with the fact they always have someone to turn to.

After all, a teddy bear can never judge a child or tell them off. Giant teddy bears just sit there and listen to everything your child has to say. They always have time for your child and are never angry with them.

Teddy Bears Are Perfect Role Models

Teddy bears are perfect role models.

If you had a large teddy bear as a child, you may remember what a perfect role model he was.

He never got angry and always had nice things to say to you. More than likely, in your imagination, your teddy bear was very calm as well.

When you needed a friend, he was always there for you and had time for you.

Teddy bears can teach children that patience is important. Although it is important to have good verbal skills, it is equally important that you have good listening skills in life.

As teddy bears always appear to listen, they are the perfect role models for when it comes to teaching your children listening skills.

As many adults know, listening skills are just as important as talking for hours on end.

Coping with Trauma

Sadly, on occasion, children have to cope with trauma.

We need to recognise trauma can be mental as well as physical. Perhaps this is why you often find many large teddy bears in hospitals.

In many ways, they are an essential part of hospital and doctor’s surgeries.

A doctor or a nurse may even address the bear before they speak to the child. Speaking to the bear first acknowledges the bear and makes it important.

Children love that. Now they have a supportive and caring friend to turn to when an adult is not available. This can in many ways help children manage physical and mental trauma better.

How Many Bears Should Children Have?

It is nice for children to have more than one bear.

Having a 5ft teddy bear, a 6ft teddy bear and a collection of small bears, makes children realise we all come in all shapes and sizes.

Don’t forget having other plush toys benefit children. When children have a collection of different soft toys, their imagination and creativity are stimulated even more.

Now they have a whole magic world where they can disappear when we adults become too boring for them!

Final Thoughts

Never underestimate how important it is for children to have a cuddly friend or two.

When we grow older, we likely recognise what an important role our large teddy bear or small teddy bear played in our early development. Most adults remember their teddy bears and plush toys fondly as they get older.

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