The Enneagram in the Workplace: How Organizations Are Leveraging Personality Insights for Succes


In an era where understanding employee dynamics is crucial for organizational success, a growing number of companies are turning to an ancient personality typing system known as the Enneagram. This nine-pointed geometric figure, which has roots in various spiritual and psychological traditions, is finding new life in the corporate world as a tool for enhancing self-awareness, improving team dynamics, and fostering leadership development.

The Enneagram describes nine distinct personality types, each with its own core motivations, fears, and patterns of behavior. As organizations strive to create more harmonious and productive work environments, many are discovering that the insights provided by the Enneagram can be invaluable in navigating the complex landscape of human interactions in the workplace.

Understanding the Enneagram

Before delving into its applications in the corporate world, it’s essential to understand the basics of the Enneagram. The system identifies nine personality types, each represented by a number:

  1. The Perfectionist: Principled, purposeful, self-controlled
    2. The Helper: Generous, demonstrative, people-pleasing
    3. The Achiever: Adaptable, excelling, driven
    4. The Individualist: Expressive, dramatic, self-absorbed
    5. The Investigator: Perceptive, innovative, cerebral
    6. The Loyalist: Engaging, responsible, anxious
    7. The Enthusiast: Spontaneous, versatile, scattered
    8. The Challenger: Self-confident, decisive, confrontational
    9. The Peacemaker: Receptive, reassuring, complacent

Each type has unique strengths and challenges, and understanding these can provide valuable insights into how individuals interact, make decisions, and approach their work.

Implementing the Enneagram in Organizations

Many organizations are finding creative ways to integrate the Enneagram into their operations. Here are some of the most common applications:

  1. Recruitment and Hiring

Some companies are using Enneagram assessments as part of their hiring process. However, it’s important to note that using personality tests as the sole basis for hiring decisions is generally discouraged and may even be illegal in some jurisdictions. Instead, the Enneagram is typically used to provide additional insights when used in conjunction with other hiring tools.

Organizations that incorporate the Enneagram into their recruitment process often use it to gain a better understanding of how a potential new hire might fit into existing team dynamics. It can also provide insights into how to onboard and support new employees most effectively.

  1. Team Building and Collaboration

One of the most popular applications of the Enneagram in the workplace is in team building. Understanding team members’ Enneagram types can help improve communication, reduce conflicts, and enhance collaboration.

Many organizations report that introducing the Enneagram to their teams has led to improved understanding among team members. Behaviors that previously caused frustration become more comprehensible when viewed through the lens of different Enneagram types. This often leads to increased patience, better appreciation of diverse strengths, and more effective collaboration.

  1. Leadership Development

The Enneagram is increasingly being used as a tool for leadership development. Understanding their own type can help leaders become more self-aware, recognize their blind spots, and develop strategies to become more effective.

Leadership coaches and organizational development professionals often use the Enneagram to help leaders gain insights into their leadership style, strengths, and areas for growth. This can lead to more balanced and empathetic leadership, improved team management, and better overall organizational performance.

  1. Conflict Resolution

The Enneagram can be a powerful tool for resolving conflicts in the workplace. By understanding the motivations and fears of different types, employees can develop more empathy for their colleagues and find constructive ways to address disagreements.

Organizations that have implemented Enneagram-based conflict resolution strategies often report improved interpersonal relationships among employees. The system provides a framework for understanding that seemingly annoying behaviors often stem from deep-seated motivations and fears, making it easier to depersonalize conflicts and find solutions.

  1. Career Development and Job Satisfaction

Some organizations are using Enneagram insights to help employees find roles that align with their natural strengths and motivations. This can lead to increased job satisfaction and productivity.

Career counselors and HR professionals who use the Enneagram in their work report that it often helps employees gain clarity on what kind of work environments and roles will be most fulfilling for them. This can lead to better career decisions and increased job satisfaction.

The Enneagram in Action: Reported Benefits

Several organizations have reported significant benefits from incorporating the Enneagram into their operations. While specific case studies with named organizations are not available due to privacy considerations, general trends and reported benefits include:

  1. Improved Communication: Many companies report that the Enneagram provides a common language for discussing personality differences, leading to improved communication both within teams and with clients.
  2. Reduced Interpersonal Conflicts: Some organizations have seen a significant reduction in reported interpersonal conflicts after introducing Enneagram training.
  3. Increased Employee Satisfaction: Improved understanding of self and others often leads to higher employee satisfaction scores.
  4. Better Stress Management: Understanding each type’s stress patterns and needs has helped some organizations develop more effective support systems and self-care strategies for their staff, particularly in high-stress industries like healthcare.
  5. Enhanced Creativity: Some creative industries report improved creative processes after using the Enneagram to assemble more balanced teams and adjust brainstorming techniques to accommodate different personality types.
  6. More Effective Leadership: Many organizations report that leaders who understand their Enneagram type become more self-aware and effective in their roles.

Challenges and Criticisms

While many organizations report positive outcomes from using the Enneagram, it’s important to note that the system is not without its critics and challenges.

One major criticism is the lack of scientific validation for the Enneagram. Unlike some other personality assessment tools, such as the Big Five, the Enneagram has not been extensively studied in academic settings. Some critics argue that its categories are too rigid and may lead to stereotyping.

There are also concerns about privacy and the potential for misuse of personality data in the workplace. Some employees may feel uncomfortable with the idea of their employer having detailed information about their personality and motivations.

Best Practices for Using the Enneagram in Organizations

For organizations considering implementing the Enneagram, experts recommend the following best practices:

  1. Use it as a tool for insight, not a box for categorization. Emphasize that Enneagram types are not fixed labels but starting points for self-understanding and growth.
  2. Combine the Enneagram with other tools and approaches. Don’t rely on it exclusively for important decisions or initiatives.
  3. Ensure that Enneagram training is conducted by qualified professionals who understand its nuances and potential pitfalls.
  4. Make participation voluntary. Employees should not feel pressured to disclose their type or participate in Enneagram-related activities if they’re uncomfortable doing so.
  5. Use the Enneagram as a tool for personal growth and team development, not for performance evaluation or hiring decisions.
  6. Be aware of cultural differences. The Enneagram may be interpreted differently in various cultural contexts.

The Future of the Enneagram in the Workplace

Despite the challenges and criticisms, many organizations continue to find value in the Enneagram as a tool for fostering self-awareness, improving communication, and enhancing team dynamics. As workplaces become increasingly diverse and complex, tools that help employees understand and appreciate differences are likely to remain in demand.

Some experts predict that we may see more integration of the Enneagram with other personality assessment tools and with emerging technologies. For example, some companies are exploring ways to use artificial intelligence to provide personalized coaching based on Enneagram types.

There’s also growing interest in combining Enneagram insights with other workplace trends such as emotional intelligence training, mindfulness practices, and data-driven decision making. The key will be finding ways to use these insights ethically and effectively to create more human-centered workplaces.


The use of the Enneagram in organizations represents a growing trend towards more holistic approaches to employee development and team dynamics. While it’s not a panacea for all workplace challenges, many organizations are finding that the insights provided by the Enneagram can lead to improved communication, stronger teams, and more effective leadership.

As with any tool, the effectiveness of the Enneagram in the workplace depends largely on how it’s implemented. When used thoughtfully and in combination with other approaches, it can be a valuable resource for organizations seeking to create more harmonious, productive, and fulfilling work environments.

As the business world continues to evolve, tools like the Enneagram that promote self-awareness and mutual understanding are likely to play an increasingly important role in shaping the workplaces of the future. However, it’s crucial that these tools are used responsibly, with a clear understanding of their limitations and potential pitfalls.

Organizations considering the use of the Enneagram should approach it as one tool among many for fostering a positive workplace culture. They should also be prepared to invest in proper training and implementation to ensure that the system is used effectively and ethically.  To discover your type, take the enneagram test and

Ultimately, the goal of using tools like the Enneagram in the workplace should be to create environments where all employees can thrive, leveraging their unique strengths while developing empathy and understanding for their colleagues. When used wisely, the Enneagram can be a powerful aid in achieving this goal, contributing to more dynamic, productive, and harmonious workplaces.

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