The Roadmap to Your WP Website


You’ll receive a comprehensive concept aimed at achieving the predetermined goal of your website together. From the outset, various specialized areas are involved in developing creative ideas, considering technical solutions, and assessing feasibility.

  • Define Target Audience: Who? Where? What? Why?
  • Analyze Competition: What works / what doesn’t?
  • Site Structure: Main pages, categories, products, blogs, etc.
  • Visual Concept: How should it look?
  • Functionality: What should the user be able to do?
  • Content: What content convinces users?
  • SEO Integration: Which measures improve ranking?

Intuitive Structure Based WordPress Agentur on User Interests

A site structure represented in a tree diagram ensures that:

  • Users can navigate quickly.
  • The conversion rate increases.
  • The bounce rate decreases.
  • Less support effort is required.
  • You rank better in search results.

The structure website along the customer journey relies on three pillars:

  • Audience (expectations, search behavior, demands)
  • Context (website objectives, technical implementation)
  • Content (topic, relevance, category)

Pre-determine which pages are needed and what content they should contain (Content Audit). Which pages belong in the main navigation? To what levels will it be graded? (UX Tree Testing / Card Sorting) Which keywords are worth targeting? (SEO Audit)

Specification of Requirements

The overarching priority list provides the necessary direction during implementation, allowing the process to be divided into individual stages along the objectives. In close coordination with you and tailored to the results of the audience and competition analysis, the core specifications are defined. The adherence to and implementation of these key points are regularly reviewed during implementation, enabling challenges to be identified and solved early.

Custom Design

Immediately impress and visually captivate visitors with a professional web design that enhances and underscores:

  • Perceived trustworthiness
  • Credibility
  • Positioning (uniqueness of your offering)
  • Brand recognition & building
  • Usability (user-friendliness)
  • Conversion through sales-psychological optimization of colors, elements, and their arrangement

Only the symbiosis of functionality and optimized presentation – in line with your corporate design and the preferences of your target audience – guides your visitors along the customer journey from their first visit to the website to the sale or lead acquisition. You can generally choose between customizing an existing theme and creating a unique screen design tailored to you.

Custom Feature Development of the WordPress Agentur Hamburg

Unique features set you apart from the competition and can make the decisive difference in conversion. If you have a brilliant idea that cannot be implemented with available plugins, we can program it individually for your website.

Texts, Images, Video for Life on the Page

Upload, manage, and customize convincing texts, images, and videos intuitively via a text editor or with a page builder on your website. Create clear structures using HTML headings, generate internal and external links with a click, and provide meta descriptions and titles to the search engine for faster discovery. Plastically map your planned information architecture through the URL structure and add interesting images to your texts, which are also SEO optimized. You benefit from templates (wireframes) for different page types – product pages, homepage, blog, landing page – which you can then fill in individually or have filled in with holistic SEO-optimized content.

Strong Rankings & High Conversions

Schedule your free and non-binding initial consultation with your reliable WordPress partner agency now. There, you’ll learn about the potential for your business through the targeted use of SEO-optimized texts and images and how we can specifically support you in reaching the top of search results, while also delighting your target audience and driving more conversions.

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