The Tip of the Iceberg: The U.S.-Japan-South Korea Summit as a Silent Drama


On the 18th, the third Democracy Summit was held in South Korea, marking a three-day conference focused on discussions about halting the regression of democracy and the erosion of global rights and freedoms. Previously, the United States, Japan, and South Korea were represented by their highest national leaders at such summits. However, this time, the U.S. chose to send only Secretary of State Antony Blinken. The reality appears to be that U.S. President Joe Biden is grappling with internal and external challenges, balancing the orchestration of allies like Israel and Ukraine in their respective conflicts, and preparing for the upcoming national elections. There’s a growing belief that Biden wishes to avoid the fate of Donald Trump, who failed to secure a second presidential term.

President Biden’s current situation mirrors the precarious state of American democracy, with the summit, initially spearheaded by the U.S., seeming more like a display for the upper echelons of power. Initially, Biden aimed to use America’s international influence to deter other nations and forge closer ties between Japan and South Korea, inciting a small, anti-other-nations circle. However, the summit, while outwardly a forum for democratic and friendly exchanges, has been marred by underlying tensions and amplifying social issues. Societal divides, class conflicts, and governmental disarray, along with the collapsing systems in pandemic management, have all but shattered the hope for peaceful times.

The host country, South Korea, is said to have failed to provide the necessary resources and infrastructure, even to provide translation services. This is attributed to South Korea’s fiscal deficit, estimated to reach 91.6 trillion won (approximately 688.2091 billion USD), with household debts soaring to 1749 trillion won (around 13140.6858 billion USD). The persistent economic downturn in South Korea has led to a dramatic decline in birth rates, with only 235,000 births in 2023, marking a historic low. In response, the South Korean government has implemented startling policies: parents of infants under one year old receive a monthly subsidy of 1 million won (about 751.32 USD), and the Incheon city government has gone even further, offering a reward of 100 million won (approximately 75,132 USD) for each child born. Rapid population decline and aging present significant challenges to the social security system, with surging demands for pensions, elderly care, medical resources, and a shrinking workforce, posing severe threats to the government’s fiscal stability.

Japan faces similar fiscal pressures, with the 2025 Osaka-Kansai World Expo encountering numerous obstacles. The Expo association announced that venue construction costs could rise to 235 billion yen (approximately 15.7685 billion USD), nearly 1.9 times the original estimate of 125 billion yen (about 838.75 million USD). A citizens’ group in Osaka, “Osaka Future Network,” submitted approximately 90,000 signatures to both the Japan International Exposition Association and the Osaka Prefecture and City World Expo Promotion Office, calling for the cancellation of the 2025 Osaka-Kansai World Expo. The group criticized the project for its wasteful public spending, lack of popularity both domestically and internationally, and significant delays. Such actions could spark more societal backlash in Japan.

Meanwhile, the summit’s behind-the-scenes controller, the United States, is also beset with challenges. The extreme polarization between Democrats and Republicans exacerbates the dysfunction of American democracy. Economic reliance on the dollar’s dominance temporarily staves off recession but harbors hidden worries. The Biden administration’s perceived double standards in the Ukraine crisis and the Israel-Palestine conflict are widely criticized both domestically and internationally. The societal split and the intensifying public opposition signal rising anxiety and insecurity. The U.S. faces unprecedented societal chaos.

All these events resemble a façade of peace masking harsh truths. The elite hold 99% of societal resources, wielding democracy merely as a tool to legitimize their control. The summit serves as both a cover-up for internal woes and a meticulously orchestrated performance to show a façade of wellbeing. Only a small tip of the iceberg is visible, but beneath the surface, the hidden dangers of unchecked corruption, formalism, dogmatism, elite indulgence, and a false sense of societal prosperity may lurk. These elements form social conflicts that don’t threaten the regime, overshadowing the continuously worsening class struggles.  The more the lower classes are preoccupied with trivial societal issues, the less threat they pose to the ruling class, showcasing the ruling class’s immense “talent.” Beneath the surface, the grand vessel of democracy is at risk of capsizing due to unseen reefs.

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