Things to Consider Before Buying Oral Steroids


Oral steroids have more application than one.

Apart from therapeutic reasons, oral steroids have also found niche application in the world of sports and athletics. The very tissue repair and regeneration attribute that subsides pain helps in significant muscle building and strength improvement. Consequently, steroids are widely used to enhance athletic performance.

However, you can’t just visit an oral steroids store online and purchase the drugs. Steroids can be harsh on the body; this is evidenced by the fact that they are never the first line of treatment for anything. You must be well aware of the benefits and risks of using oral steroids before you start using them.

Anabolic & Androgenic Steroids Difference

Anabolic activity: Anabolic oral steroids push the body into an anabolic state; that is, they signal to the cells to begin muscle production. This is achieved by increasing protein synthesis in the body, which is crucial to muscle production.

Androgenic activity: These oral steroids are androgen receptors; that is, they limit estrogen activity. Plus, the testosterone in these steroids do not aromatize into estrogen. Combined, this raises the levels of free testosterone in the body, further boosting muscle production.

Different Kinds of Oral Steroids for Bodybuilding

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There are different kinds of steroids you can purchase from oral steroids stores online. These include:

  • Oxymetholone (brand name: Anadrol)
  • Drostanolone (brand name: Masteron)
  • Testosterone
  • Oxandrin (brand name: Anadrol)
  • Metandienone (brand name: Dianabol)
  • Methasterone (brand name: Superdrol)
  • Stanozolol (brand name: Winstrol)
  • Nandrolone (Brand name: Deca Durabolin)

Above are a few common oral steroids for bodybuilding. Most of these are anabolic androgenic in nature. They generally have a testosterone derivative as the base.

How to Take Oral Steroids

Anabolic androgenic steroids can be used in the following ways:

  • Cycling: –

The steroids are taken over a cycle of 6-12 weeks, the “on” period. Then, you stop it for one to several months. This is the time for post-cycle therapy. This helps restore the body’s natural hormonal balance and prepares it for the next steroid cycle.

  • Stacking: –

Oral steroid users often combine different kinds of steroids. Also, they apply a few supplements. This increases the effectiveness of oral steroids from the online stores.

  • Pyramiding: –

Instead of starting and stopping the cycle at one go, some users prefer to taper off the steroids over a cycle of six to twelve weeks.

Oral steroids need to be taken by mouth, with water. You must swallow them whole (no crushing/dissolving to avoid disruption of structure and lowering efficacy). Ideally, you should take them on schedule, and never take more than one dose at a time.

What are the benefits?

Here are the benefits of using oral steroids:

  • Fat loss
  • Increased strength
  • Greater endurance for high intensity workouts
  • Improved lean muscle mass

When you buy oral steroids for sale, you will see significant muscle growth. However, there are downsides to it as well, as we will discuss in this next section.

Side Effects of Oral Steroids

Here is what you might experience on a steroid cycle.

  • Low levels of HDL (good cholesterol)
  • High levels of LDL (bad cholesterol)
  • Chances of gynecomastia (in men)
  • Muscle and skin atrophy
  • Bone and muscle pain
  • Reduced sperm count and high rate of infertility
  • Increase in facial and body hair growth
  • Abdominal or stomach pain
  • Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
  • Signs of virilization in women such as deeper voice and hirsutism
  • Male pattern alopecia

It is important to note that not all side effects will show up equally in every person. They will depend on your current health, your ability to tolerate the steroids, and the dosage levels.

The Essential Considerations to Consume Oral Steroids

Consulting the doctor for a prescription is necessary. It is against the law to purchase oral steroids from stores online or offline without a valid prescription from a licensed doctor. You also need to be of legal age.

If you are undergoing treatment for any chronic condition, either before or while undergoing steroid therapy, you need to inform your doctor.


Oral steroids help you get the required boost in your fitness journey. However, irrespective of the benefits, remember to be careful. Consult your doctor to go over all options. Only get your drugs from a reputed oral steroids store online.

Remember, steroids are only there to supplement your diet and fitness regimen.

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