What Is Noopept? And What Are Its Health Benefits?

You can do anything you put your mind to. You’ve surely heard that expression before, and while that has more to do with external accomplishments. It does highlight that the brain is a super powerful organ, and in order to function to our highest potential, we need to take care of it.

A healthy, optimally functioning brain is key to life itself. Among other things, we use it to reason, make decisions, solve problems, and learn and retain new information. Unfortunately, cognitive health can start to take a nosedive thanks to a variety of factors, some of which include genetics, natural aging, unhealthy life choices, and medical conditions, to name a few.

For this reason, there has been plenty of research on supplements that enhance cognitive functions, otherwise known as nootropics. And one nootropic making waves today is Noopept.

So, what is it, and how does it affect your brain? More importantly, what are some health benefits you can experience from taking it? Here’s all you need to know about Noopept:

Noopept; An In-depth Overview

N-Phenylacetyl-l-prolylglycine ethyl ester, which typically goes by the brand name Noopept, is a powerful compound often used as a dietary supplement to significantly boost mental capabilities.

Once consumed, usually orally as a supplement, Noopept gets to work immediately, delivering effects to the bloodstream in just minutes. These effects, which include several cognitive benefits, can last for many hours after a dose.

That said, how Noopept works on the brain is pretty complex. But in summary, it boosts two key compounds, the neurotrophic factor (BDNF), responsible for the development of brain cells, and acetylcholine receptors, which affects how the brain passes messages between neurons.

The Ideal Noopept Dosage

We’ve talked about just how powerful and fast-acting Noopept is, which raises the question of how much is recommended as dosage. Typically, Noopept should be taken in doses of 20-30mg. However, you should always get the advice of a licensed medical professional for proper dosage.

Known Health Benefits of Noopept

What are the known and potential advantages you can experience from taking this cognitive-enhancing supplement? Noopept is a powerhouse when it comes to benefits, which include:

Increased Brain Function & Retention

Noopept is linked to the development of new synaptic pathways, which leads to better brain function and memory. In fact, some research has pointed to an increase in the brain’s ability to learn new things with as little as one dose. So, taking the supplement over time can help your brain work better and, more importantly, retain information in the short and long-term much more efficiently.

Aside from benefits in healthy people, Noopept has shown promising results in improving cognitive function in people with brain traumas and other cognitive disturbances.

Slows Down Cognitive Damage in Patients with Neurological Diseases

Noopept can also improve health in patients with neurological diseases such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. These diseases damage brain cells, causing them to die off. The consequences manifest as cognitive difficulties like forgetfulness, confusion, dementia, poor speech, trouble understanding, etc. And these symptoms get worse as more cells die.

However, taking Noopept helps fight oxidative damage and cell death, which are the key factors that speed up the disease progression in both conditions.

Improved Emotional State

Many experts agree that Noopept can help enhance emotional balance by countering stress, reducing anxiety, and combating depression. And though these claims are still under research, a preliminary study in patients grappling with psychological issues stemming from traumatic brain injury or stroke revealed that Noopept enhanced their emotional state.

About half the patients who took a 10 mg dose of the drug reported high energy levels with reduced anxiety and irritability. Moreover, after a week of using it, they reported a better mental state, which improved their sleep. Finally, they also experienced less frequent headaches and were more alert after waking up, significantly contributing to a better emotional state.

Improved Verbal Fluidity

Noopept has also been linked to speech improvement, especially for people struggling with speaking difficulties. Studies have shown that Noopept can help people with their thought processes, ultimately enabling them to speak better. This ultimately boosts confidence too.

Lowered Stress Levels

Some studies have discovered that Noopept can help minimize the activity of specific stress-induced proteins like MAPK. Noopept has also shown promise in reducing “learned helplessness,” a phenomenon closely linked to depression and anxiety.

Improved Immunity

This drug has also been linked to various other immune system benefits, including better response to antigens. It is also instrumental in the development of white blood cells, which are responsible for fighting off infections. And better immunity equals improved health and disease management.

Reduced Inflammation

In a particular study, Noopept was shown to minimize the amount of pro-inflammatory cytokines TNF-alpha and IL-6. Another study where Noopept was administered orally and by injection in small doses for five days discovered that it significantly reduced chronic immune inflammation.

Scientists have since tied Noopept’s anti-inflammatory properties to its antioxidant properties.

Stabilized Blood Sugar

Noopept has also been studied in relation to blood sugar and managing diabetic symptoms. Recent studies have shown that this supplement gradually eliminates high sugar levels in the blood and, consequently, boosts weight loss and pain sensitivity. Further, other studies have revealed that Noopept prevents hyperreactivity associated with chronically high blood sugar levels.

Elsewhere, research into Noopept revealed that it helped stabilize insulin levels such that cell death in the pancreas was avoided.

Risks or Side Effects Associated with Noopept

Now, Noopept has some downsides too. However, they are typically mild and do not warrant medical intervention. Some of these side effects include:

  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Confusion
  • Insomnia
  • Irritability

However, to experience side effects, you’d have to misuse it by taking more than the recommended dose or using it with other substances.

Improve Your Mind & Body with Noopept

Noopept is often recommended as a nootropic supplement because your body cannot manufacture it. So, if you are keen on reaping benefits such as better cognition, memory, and mental balance, you might want to consider Noopept supplements. You want to seek medical advice from a qualified professional when buying and determining the right dose.

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