Safety First: Important Considerations Before Attempting 48 or 72 Hour Fasts

Prolonged fasts, such as 48 vs 72 hour fasts, have garnered interest among the various forms of fasting. This is because they have various health benefits for those who manage to stick to them consistently. But getting into such prolonged fasts can be challenging and you need to plan to execute it well.

Even though fasting has several health benefits when done properly, not everyone should fast. To avoid negative effects, careful planning and observation are always necessary. Read on to learn about some of them.

Tips to Fast with Care

While there are many health advantages to fasting, there are some potential hazards you should know. It will help you choose between the benefits of a 48 vs 72 hour fast that may affect you. Some of the benefits include:

  • Reduced body weight
  • Enhanced metabolic health
  • Better cellular repair

But fasting also comes with:

  • Nutrient shortages
  • Muscle loss
  • Hormone abnormalities
  • Weakened immune systems

Fasting should be approached cautiously by people who have a history of disordered eating. It is not suitable for pregnant women or aged people with muscle or diet issues. It could lead to unhealthy behaviors or relapses if you are fasting despite a diet issue. With all this in mind, here are some tips to ensure your fasting routine is safe and healthy for your needs:

Consultation with Healthcare Professionals

Always speak with a healthcare provider or professional diet coach before starting a long-term fast. You need to do this mainly if you use medication or have any underlying medical concerns. Keep in mind that diabetes, heart disease, eating disorders, and other medical issues can have a big impact on how your body reacts to fasting.

For example, blood sugar swings tend to occur in diabetics. Due to this, you need to closely monitor your insulin and medicine dosages for appropriate adjustments. During periods of fasting, individuals with cardiac disorders tend to be vulnerable to electrolyte abnormalities or dehydration.

Nutritional Status

Prolonged fasting can further deplete your body’s nutrient supply. If you are dealing with malnourishment or are underweight, it’s not a good idea to further reduce your nutrient intake. Starting a fast without treating underlying nutritional deficiencies is a bad idea as you will face possible health issues.

Fast or no fast – the priority is to make your body healthy and feel fit. You need to give it enough nourishment and keep yourself safe from further harm. Consume nutrient-dense foods with lots of vitamins, minerals, and macronutrients. You can begin fasting and ease your way into the routine once you solve your weight and diet issues.


To avoid dehydration during fasting periods, maintain appropriate hydration routines. During a fast, water is the main source of hydration as you are avoiding all other types of food and beverages. Electrolyte imbalances can happen if you neglect your hydration during fasting.

Pay attention to when your body feels weak, lightheaded, or dizzy. These are signs of exhaustion and you need to either break the fast or consciously hydrate yourself. In some cases, it could even be signs of hypoglycemia or dehydration. Nip these symptoms in the bud and prevent them in the future to avoid serious repercussions.

Slow Transition

Remember when you were a child and you were learning to walk for the first time? You didn’t begin your first day with a marathon, right? You began slowly and let your body adjust to the new routine and it soon became a habit. Similarly, you need to start slowly and begin with shorter fasts before turning to 48 vs 72 hour fasts.

You can then progressively increase the length of your fast without putting your body under lots of stress. This method lowers the possibility of negative side effects like hypoglycemia or electrolyte imbalances. At the same time, know that a lengthy fast is only as significant as how it is broken.

Large or heavy meals should be avoided right after breaking the fast as this can cause refeeding syndrome or pain in the digestive tract. Little, easily digested things like fruits, vegetables, or broth should be started with, and solid foods should be gradually added back in over time.

Monitoring Blood Sugar Levels

When fasting, those with diabetes or insulin resistance should pay special attention to their blood sugar levels. Long-term fasting might alter blood glucose levels; therefore, to avoid issues, insulin or medication dosage modifications may be required. Prioritize your health and well-being and pay attention to your body above all else. You should never sacrifice your physical or emotional well-being in order to fast.


You can take advantage of fasting’s potential advantages while lowering the possibility of negative consequences if you approach it cautiously. Never forget that safety comes first and takes center stage – forget the slim body or aesthetic abs. What matters is your health and how your body is reacting to your new routine – whether you choose between a 48 vs 72 hour fast.

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